Chapter 122
After driving about halfway along the main road in the direction of the trade zone, Luo Baoshan began to direct Luo Xiaran to drive into the small road.With the assistance of spiritual power, Luo Xiaran noticed someone following behind, so Luo Xiaran drove in without hesitation.

After walking around for about 5 to [-] minutes, I came to the entrance of a small alley.Due to the narrow entrance, Luo Baoshan said, "I'm really sorry, the old man has been reluctant to move the old house, so it's not convenient for the car to get in. But the distance is not far, why don't we get out of the car and take two steps?"

"Okay, let's get out of the car." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran used her mental strength to release it slowly, opened the door and got out of the car.She put all the weapons in the system backpack, and Luo Xiaran turned around and winked at Ma Jianing, telling her to take care of herself.

Although Ma Jianing's ability was awakened a bit late, but the fire ability itself is an offensive ability, and with the crystal nucleus provided by Luo Xiaran and the experience of cultivating abilities in the previous life, Ma Jianing's ability is already second peak state.

Through her mental strength, Luo Xiaran saw that the third house in the alley was indeed a rather old house.The mansion with three entrances and three exits looks old at first glance, it should have a history of a hundred years.

Because the house is a bit big, Luo Xiaran's mental power is consumed a little bit more.But because of this, Luo Xiaran could see that there was at least 15 people in the house.

Whether it is a supernatural person or a strong body, the combat power is naturally very different from that of ordinary people, so as long as the mental strength is swept away, Luo Xiaran will be alert.

Calmly followed Luo Baoshan into the alley, the alley was pitch black, and the flashlight in Luo Baoshan's hand flashed dimly, flashing on and off, making Luo Xiaran's expression even more indifferent.

Although Luo Xiaran didn't understand codes and the like, what Luo Baoshan did was a little too obvious.After all, the flashlight is intact when it coughs, but it always flickers, which always makes people feel abnormal.

As Luo Baoshan took out the key and opened the door of the house, the three of Luo Xiaran walked in.First of all, there is a dilapidated garden, probably because Luo Xiaran didn't care about it after the end of the world.

After walking for about 5 minutes, Luo Baoshan led them to the door of a small building with the words "Duobao Pavilion" hanging on it.The small building has only two floors, with blue bricks and red tiles, which looks very delicate.

"The old man not only liked woolen materials, but also collected antique calligraphy and paintings, jewelry and furniture. If Ms. Luo is interested, you can take them away together." Luo Baoshan said with a smile while opening the small door of Duobao Pavilion with a key .

Maybe the things in Duobao Pavilion were very valuable before the end of the world, but it's a pity that these things may not be exchanged for a bag of rice now.Luo Baoshan actually felt that Luo Xiaran was a bit stupid, who would exchange grain for these useless things now?

Since there were no lights in the small building, apart from the flashlight in Luo Baoshan's hand, the lighting tool was the candle that Luo Baoshan took out from the side.Through the light, Luo Xiaran discovered that there are indeed many good things stored in the Duobao Pavilion.

Why use these real things to lure yourself to the door?Luo Xiaran looked at it and thought in bewilderment.

Considering the limited space in the small building, it would be bad if things were damaged in a fight.So Luo Xiaran didn't go any further, but picked up an emerald and white jade glazed lamp on the shelf closest to the door to check.

 Scheduled release~ I wish you all a happy double festival (づ ̄3 ̄)づFavorites recommend a wave~

(End of this chapter)

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