Chapter 124

For the last man who appeared, Luo Xiaran had a great impression.According to Xiao Zhenyan's introduction, the man's name is Wu Jie. He used to run an underground casino and had many thugs in his hands. Of course, Luo Xiaran didn't expect that such a person would have his own ideas.

After all, in Luo Xiaran's view, the entire safe zone is considered the Jun family's world.Even if it's Luo Xiaran's idea, it should be those who disagree with Jun's family affairs.

But thinking about it, it's not that simple for people who can work in the army to think about things in their heads, so they won't easily confront Luo Xiaran.Even the previous temptations were all real money, and no one could detect the slightest problem.

Slightly curling her lips in disdain, Luo Xiaran looked at Wu Jie coldly and said, "If Mr. Wu wants to see me, why bother to make such a big fuss? My inn is open to welcome guests, and you are welcome to dine at any time."

"Miss Luo is not right. How can it be the same in other people's land and in my own land. Besides, there are many good things in my house. Miss Luo should take these things to my place and have a look." Wu Jie laughed and said.

He had arranged a lot of people before, but unfortunately he didn't even enter the courtyard of the inn, otherwise he wouldn't have found Luo Baoshan.Luo Baoshan has always been a customer of his casino, Wu Jie has long been clear about Luo Baoshan's family background.If it weren't for the great contacts of the old man of the Luo family, Wu Jie might have emptied the Luo family's fortune long ago.

But this time, not only did he use these things to catch Luo Xiaran, but he was also able to remove all the things by the way.Because Wu Jie also has spatial abilities around him, but the space is too small, only about ten square meters, so Luo Xiaran must be a person with spatial abilities to produce so much food.

And what Wu Jie cared more about was what Luo Xiaran was going to do with collecting these jewels and jades. After all, the energy in the crystal nucleus could upgrade the supernatural beings. This news was known by the entire upper echelons of City S.Luo Xiaran and Jun's family were so close, Wu Jie couldn't help but wonder if there might be something in these things that can upgrade the ability.

Since the Jun family now controls S City, it is impossible for Wu Jie to do anything to the Jun family.But in Wu Jie's view, Luo Xiaran is just a worker for Jun's family. Maybe Jun Lie has taken a fancy to her, but she's just a woman. In this world, what kind of woman can't get it if she only needs a pack of biscuits?

Even if Luo Xiaran is not a space power user, as long as he can detect the function of these gold, silver and jade objects, Wu Jie must be able to make a lot of money.Before the end of the world, he also had a lot of good things. He originally planned to sell them abroad, but luckily he didn't have time to give them away.

Facing such an apocalyptic world, although Wu Jie is no match for the Jun family, he also wants to be a 'king of the throne'.Anyway, no one can control them now, right? After capturing Luo Xiaran, they will leave Anping District directly, and the Jun family will not chase them after such a person.

"Really? Then it seems that I still have to go with Mr. Wu." Luo Xiaran was very disgusted by Wu Jie's eyes looking at the 'things', but for what Wu Jie said, he also has good things. Luo Xiaran believed it completely, and after thinking about it in her heart, she decided to take a risk.

There are enough weapons in Luo Xiaran's backpack. As long as you find out the enchanter and solve the opponent, Luo Xiaran will never lose to others without being trapped by others. Don't forget She has psychic powers.

Although her psychic powers are still unable to attack, but creating hallucinations and the like can still have an impact for a few seconds.You must know that in a battle, just a few seconds can determine a person's life and death...

 Scheduled release~ Happy holidays everyone~ I really want to travel, but unfortunately I have no money

(End of this chapter)

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