Chapter 140
About to arrive at a safe place, the five of Wu Ziying slept in the dark, until the next day when Jin Biao came to the door, they still had no intention of waking up.

However, Luo Xiaran didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the wounds on their bodies had been there for a while. If it didn't seem that they had almost healed, Luo Xiaran might have to use her abilities to heal them.

"Miss Luo, business is booming." Luo Xiaran was having breakfast in the morning when Jin Biao arrived at the inn with his people.I saw Jin Biao wearing a gray vest with a pair of shorts underneath, looking pitiful.

Knowing that Jin Biao was selling miserably on purpose, Luo Xiaran still asked the shop waiter to get some food for Jin Biao and the others.But they didn't intend to invite them into the store. Luo Xiaran didn't want to be affected by their appetite for breakfast who kept them from taking a bath for so many days.

"Thank you, Miss Luo." Jin Biao gnawed on the multigrain pancakes and drank the cornmeal porridge with a 'towle'. After eating the two face-big multigrain pancakes, Jin Biao thanked them.

"You don't know, people in the outer city can't afford to eat now. Our brothers also got a car and went out to search for things. Unfortunately, the nearby places have been searched. There are so many zombies in the farther away. It is really close I can’t go on. Fortunately, you still miss me, no, I found you a place yesterday, and I came here when I didn’t sleep well.” Jin Biao said with emotion.

None of them had supernatural powers. Although they were tall and powerful, they didn't dare to make any big moves in the face of increasingly powerful zombies.After all, being scratched by a zombie has the possibility of becoming a zombie. It is better to live than to die. Jin Biao is reluctant to bear his own life.

"As long as the place is suitable, your chewing head is indispensable." Luo Xiaran also knew that as time went by, life for human beings would become more and more difficult.And even if Jin Biao knew that she had opened a shop, he didn't intend to come to the inn to play the autumn breeze, and Luo Xiaran was very satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have come to Jin Biao again.

"Hey, thank you in advance. Is Miss Luo going to see the place now or what?" Jin Biao smiled fawningly and said impatiently.Jin Biao didn't dare to offend Luo Xiaran when he saw people talking about people, and talking nonsense when he saw the devil.

"Well, let's eat, let's go when we've had enough." He got up and left the table to Jin Biao, Luo Xiaran ordered a table to be opened, drank a bowl of seafood porridge, ate a tea egg, and then settled for two pickled cabbage stuffed meat Baozi, Luo Xiaran said hello and took Jin Biao out the door.

What Jin Biao found this time was a bathing center, which was a little far from the slightly inn, but it occupied a large area.A five-story building, an underground parking lot, and a large yard, although it looks a bit messy now, Luo Xiaran is quite satisfied.

Although the bathing center is in the outer city, it is not too far from the inner city, and there are many rooms and beds. Luo Xiaran estimated that at least 1000 people can live here.

Although she still doesn't know how big her team will grow in the future, taking advantage of the cheap house now, Luo Xiaran thinks it would be a good idea to buy this place.

After looking around for a while, Luo Xiaran nodded in response.The owner of the bathing center himself lived in the inner city, so when he heard that someone bought a place, he couldn't wait to sell it.

Now all you need to sell a house is food, no one knows when the end of the world will end, not to mention that the food in the safe zone is getting less and less, the boss finally meets a buyer, and Luo Xiaran won't just let Luo Xiaran miss it .

In the end, the bathing center traded for [-] catties of flour, [-] catties of rice, [-] liters of drinking water, and [-] catties of potatoes and cabbage...

 Scheduled release~Backache and stomachache~I'm not happy when the holiday is over~
(End of this chapter)

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