Chapter 143

"Miss Boss." The shopkeeper who had just fetched a bucket of well water and sent it to the guest room upstairs, saw Luo Xiaran appearing, and rushed to meet her with an anxious expression on his face.

"What's going on?" Luo Xiaran frowned, looking at the shopkeeper whose clothes were a little messy and asked.This is the first time I have seen the big shopkeeper like this, even if he was besieged by Wu Yan'an at the beginning, the big shopkeeper still looked calm and breezy.

"Since two days ago, the temperature outside has been getting higher and higher, and many people have died from the sun. In the inn, I have been arranging for the waiters to deliver water, and there is a guest upstairs to help make ice, which ensures the safety of the people in the inn. "The big shopkeeper took a breath, straightened his clothes, and said helplessly.

Although Luo Xiaran had some knowledge about the outside world, after all, the shopkeeper couldn't leave the inn, so all the information he knew was based on the information obtained from the guests and eyeliners.It's a pity that the temperature is getting higher and higher, and many people have died in the safe zone. The big shopkeeper can't get the news now, and his hands are tied for a while.

Even Tang Mingyu, who is an ice-type supernatural being, can't take care of the ice consumption of dozens of people in the inn by himself.His ability is only at the second level, even if he uses the well water in the inn to make ice, it is almost inferior to the melting of the sun.

If Luo Xiaran was present, he would naturally be able to manipulate the system to control the temperature in the entire inn.However, before Luo Xiaran retreated, she gave thousands of instructions, and the shopkeeper didn't dare to disturb Luo Xiaran at all, so she could only do her best to ensure the safety of Luo Zhaoxian and others.

"Well, it's hard work." Nodding, Luo Xiaran manipulated the system to adjust the temperature in the inn while thinking in her heart: Sure enough, the hot weather came again. I remember that the last time seemed to last for a week.

The time is too long, Luo Xiaran's memory is fuzzy, she doesn't even have a specific time, she really made some mistakes.Thinking of all the things after the high temperature, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but frown.

The vegetables, melons and fruits planted in the inn also died in the sky and the earth due to the high temperature and sweat. Luo Xiaran felt a little distressed. Fortunately, the previous batch was put away directly, otherwise it would be even more distressing.

Adjust the temperature inside the inn to [-] degrees. Although it is still hot, it is hundreds of times stronger than before.After telling the shopkeeper to prepare winter supplies, Luo Xiaran hurried to the room where Luo Zhaoxian and his wife lived.

After all, Luo Zhaoxian and his wife are not young, and Luo Xiaran is really worried that the heat will overwhelm them.Fortunately, I don't know why Tang Mingyu came here, otherwise Luo Xiaran really couldn't imagine the consequences.

Knocking on the door and entering the room, two basins of ice had been placed on the floor of Luo Zhaoxian and his wife's room, and the two basins in the corner had even turned into water.Fortunately, both of them looked good, and there was no big problem.

"Mom and Dad, is there anything uncomfortable?" Luo Xiaran said with concern: "It's all my fault that I didn't make complete preparations in advance. I'll get an icehouse later."

In fact, the system gave away an ice cellar before, but Luo Xiaran felt that people with supernatural powers might not be useful, so they replaced the ice cellar with a cellar. Now that I think about it, I should stock up on ice.

"It's okay, mom has water, did you forget? How is your ability?" Luo Zhaoxian asked with a smile, pulling Luo Xiaran to sit beside Chu Xinrui.Although the difference between water-type abilities and ice-type abilities is not small, the presence of water can also reduce a lot of heat.

"It's already level four. By the way, when did Tang Mingyu move to the inn? Alone?" Luo Xiaran showed off her wood-type abilities, and after directly giving birth to a tomato plant for Chu Xinrui to eat, she finally Open your mouth and ask.For no reason, Tang Mingyu probably wouldn't find the inn...

 Scheduled release~ Natural disasters strike, what will happen next~
(End of this chapter)

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