Chapter 145 Inn Upgrade
After confirming that the others were all right, Luo Xiaran found the room where Tang Mingyu was.This is a small single room in the corner of the second floor, with only one bed, not even a table and chairs.

"Miss Luo." Tang Mingyu's face looked a little pale because he had been releasing supernatural powers to make ice cubes, but when he heard the knock on the door, he got up in time and opened the door.

"You can just call me Xia Ran. Brother Tang has worked hard these few days." Luo Xia Ran stood at the door and looked at Tang Mingyu. Seeing that the other party had no other discomfort except for being weak due to excessive use of supernatural powers, she was a little relieved. .

But although she was very curious about what happened between Tang Mingyu and Xia Wen, she didn't ask about it because it was also the other party's family business.Anyway, no matter what happened, as long as Tang Mingyu didn't betray her, it was enough.

"Xia Ran is polite. I didn't do anything. Instead, I ate and drank for nothing with you." Tang Mingyu nodded slightly, and then said: "Xia Wen found her family, and I will let them live in that house." Yes, I heard that the house belongs to Cheng Yan, I will pay him the supplies."

"Ah, you can just tell Cheng Yan and Aunt Xue. The weather has changed recently, but luckily you came here. Do you know where Lin Yun, his uncle and nephew have gone?" Luo Xiaran saw that Tang Mingyu didn't want to say more, He didn't mean to ask more questions, so he asked Lin Yun instead.

Luo Xiaran still cared about Lin Yun, who had been aphasic since she was a child and had water-type abilities.It's not that she is soft-hearted, but that the ability to use the water system is also a strong fighting force.What's more, Fan Jiren's bodyguard's force value is not low. Luo Xiaran is forming a team, so he naturally hopes to keep them.

However, I learned from Cheng Yan that Fan Jiren took Lin Yun and left. Luo Xiaran thought that Tang Mingyu and Lin Yun belonged to the same factory, so he would say hello to Tang Mingyu before leaving.

And when Luo Xiaran said that, Tang Mingyu's eyes flashed with embarrassment.Thinking that Lin Yun and Fan Jiren moved away because of himself, after hesitating for a moment, Tang Mingyu still said: "Before Xia Wen felt that Lin Yun had a crush on me, so she ran them away. The two brought the biscuits and found another It’s not far from Cheng Yan’s house, and it’s crowded with two other families.”

"That's it, then wait for the weather to cool down, and you can go and take them over. I have prepared another house, which is very big, but it needs people to tidy it up, and it will be our site from now on." Luo Xiaran nodded. Nodding and talking.

In fact, she was vaguely aware of Lin Yun's crush on Tang Mingyu, and Luo Xiaran felt that Lin Yun was more suitable for Tang Mingyu than Xia Wen.It's just that Lin Yun didn't intend to say it clearly, so Luo Xiaran pretended not to know.

After chatting, Luo Xiaran left dozens of crystal nuclei she got from the shopkeeper for Tang Mingyu before leaving.Tang Mingyu consumed a lot of abilities, and if he didn't get replenished, it would affect the promotion of abilities in the future.The ice element is a combat ability, and Luo Xiaran couldn't bear to let him get hurt.

Then, after walking around the inn, Luo Xiaran was completely relieved to make sure there were no other problems.But when thinking of the three-month-long winter after the extreme heat, Luo Xiaran's expression turned bad again.

I rummaged through the system and found all the things that can be used for winter. I wanted to thicken some clothes, but found that there was no suitable manpower.The clothes of modern people are bought ready-made, even Xue Jing can only sew small holes, making clothes is impossible.

Rubbing her chin and thinking for a while, Luo Xiaran decided to upgrade the system.Although two-thirds of the energy was consumed after the upgrade, it was impossible for Luo Xiaran, who had experienced the cold winter, to let Luo Zhaoxian and his wife try that kind of life.

 Timely release~ Do you want to continue to give the male protagonist a sense of presence~
(End of this chapter)

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