Chapter 157 The Big Deal

"Then you can give it a try, at worst we'll all die!" Although he felt a little apprehensive in his heart, he was worried that Jun Lie would really do something.But Luo Xiaran would never allow herself to back down, and looked at Jun Lie indifferently, allowing the other party to touch her, and said every word.

"Hehe, you are indeed the woman I, Jun Lie, is looking for." Feeling the soft and delicate touch of his fingertips, Jun Lie came back to his senses and said with high spirits: "No matter how many times you reject me, I still have to be you. Even if you If you want this world, I can hold it in front of you, and the only thing you need to do is stay by my side forever."

"Stop talking to yourself. My legs are on my body. There is nowhere I can't go." Seeing that Jun Lie had returned to normal, Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief, but she was not retreating.But men like to push their noses on their faces. Luo Xiaran regretted giving up the bathing center to Jun Lie.

At this time, Luo Xiaran also discovered that the benefits of psychic powers were great, but they also brought her a lot of disadvantages.Because every time I get in touch with Jun Lie, I can feel the emotional changes of the other party, which makes Luo Xiaran very uncomfortable.After all, Jun Lie gave off a gloomy feeling now, not to mention the multiplied magnification in Luo Xiaran's senses.

Sighing in my heart, without waiting for Jun Lie to speak again, Luo Xiaran directly withdrew her hand and stood up and said: "It's been a while since I came out, if it snows again, it will be bad, I will take people home first. Take a bath The center is at No. 123 X Street, I give you the key, you can figure it out yourself. I bought it at a huge price, and the crystal nucleus has been recorded in the account."

Although it was planned to live in for his own people at the beginning, Luo Xiaran made some money by giving it to Jun Lie.Jun Lie's manpower is much more than Luo Xiaran's, not to mention all the top players, even if they don't have supernatural powers, it's not a problem to kill zombies.

"After I take someone out, I'll send them to you." Jun Lie shrugged, and accompanied Luo Xiaran down the stairs.I saw that everyone downstairs was cooking, mixing instant noodles with dried noodles, and eating a few multigrain pancakes. The taste was also very good, and it was very hungry.

Not to worry about Junlie anymore, Luo Xiaran took the people on the sledge and headed straight to the inn at high speed.When the sledge arrived at the entrance of the inn, Luo Xiaran found five modified black off-road vehicles parked on the snow-cleared ground outside the inn.

Frowning slightly, while asking Tang Mingyu to send the sledge to the stable, Luo Xiaran led Ma Jianing into the inn quickly, but she was wondering who the one who came back to the inn on such a day might be for business Are you coming?

"Miss Boss, you are back. Master Leng has brought people in, there are more than [-] people, and I have arranged them on the second floor." The shopkeeper was waiting not far from the door, noticing Luo Xiaran's return, and greeted her Come forward and speak.

And Luo Xiaran who walked into the inn also saw Leng Xi who was drinking tea with Luo Zhaoxian, nodded slightly at the big shopkeeper, and then walked towards where the two were.

"Brother Leng, why are you back at this time in such a cold weather? Is there something wrong?" Luo Xiaran really didn't expect Leng Xi to come back suddenly, so she asked directly in surprise.

"It's okay, I was planning to go back to Province J, but I couldn't go in the middle of the heat, and then I returned. I was blocked outside the city by heavy snow, and it was really tossing when it was hot and cold." Leng sneered, Of course, whether this statement is true or not, only Leng Xi knows best.

 Timely release~ Pork ribs and winter melon soup at night~~~
(End of this chapter)

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