Chapter 159 Xi Ruolan

Although she was a little curious about what Leng Xi would talk about with Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran didn't say much as she watched the two of them go upstairs.Because Xiao Zhenyan didn't like Luo Xiaran, Luo Xiaran didn't make do with the table where they were sitting after saying hello.

At this time, Xi Ruolan, who was wrapped in cotton clothes and had long hair coiled up, walked over from the side with a pale face. Seeing that Xiao Zhenyan had no intention of disapproving, she sat beside Luo Xiaran.

"Miss Luo, do you have red dates or brown sugar?" Xi Ruolan is only 24 this year, but because life was difficult when she was young, she always suffers from pain for a few days every month.The sudden heavy snow not only made Xi Ruolan's legs cold, but also had unbearable abdominal pain. If she couldn't bear it, she wouldn't open her mouth.

In fact, Xi Ruolan is quite an embarrassing existence in Jun's house now, because she is Xiao Zhenyan's foster lady.Xi Ruolan has been with Xiao Zhenyan since she was an adult, despite Xiao Zhenyan's gentle appearance, he is not a gentle man at night.Fortunately, she has been doing well, at least she has no worries about food and clothing, and it is enough to serve this man well.

And after the end of the world, if Xi Ruolan hadn't awakened the water ability, she guessed that Xiao Zhenyan would never be able to control her life or death.But Jun's family also has a lot of water abilities, she has no better support, so she can only desperately kill zombies.

If she was kicked out of Jun's team, Xi Ruolan was not sure how long she would live.But no matter what, no matter how hard it is, Xi Ruolan will survive.Because of her existence, the mother was kicked out of the house when she was unmarried and pregnant, and then gave birth to her desperately, so even if she bleeds and tears, she must live on.

"Yes, it's just dried dates, how many do you want?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran smiled clearly. Although she didn't know Xi Ruolan well, it was a business after all, wasn't it?
"I only have fifty first-level crystal nuclei, just give me some as you look at." Xi Ruolan also knew that dried dates and brown sugar are rare and good things now, so she said slightly astringently.

Although Xi Ruolan always acts with the Jun family's team, no matter how hard she tries, her water-type ability with no attack power can't help her much. Only relying on Tang Dao, her income is always meager.

Moreover, the crystal nuclei of the Jun family have to be confiscated and distributed uniformly. Her useless water ability will get even less distribution, even if the people of the Jun family will not covet her for such a trivial matter.

"That's fine, I'll give you twenty dried dates and a bag of brown sugar. Big bread? I have both long and short ones here." Women are actually the most dangerous in the last days, not only facing the threat of zombies, but also Men's coveting and so on.

What's more, once a month, the bloody smell will only attract more zombies, which is why there are fewer and fewer women after the end of the world.Many teams do not accept women most of the time, and even if they accept women, they will eventually become lust-like existences.

Luo Xiaran could also tell that Xiao Zhenyan and his group didn't care much about Xi Ruolan. Compared to when they first met, Xi Ruolan might be a lot more cautious, so she didn't mind giving Xi Ruolan a discount.

Luo Xiaran didn't know that at first Xiao Zhenyan and others needed Xi Ruolan's water ability, so they naturally liked her a lot.But later, as the ability of water system increased, the importance of Xi Ruolan gradually decreased.Besides, most of the Jun family is male, and they look down on Xi Ruolan who betrayed her body. Naturally, Xi Ruolan must be cautious to avoid being kicked out of the team.

 Scheduled release~Finally there is a sunny day, happy~
(End of this chapter)

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