Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 167 An Apple Cut into 8 Pieces

Chapter 167 An Apple Cut into Eight Petals

It's a pity that Cheng Yan didn't get what he wanted in the end. Luo Xiaran woke up early and used the walkie-talkie to order the people in the car in front to find a bigger place. In the end, even the team of more than [-] people with Jun Lie couldn't find it. live in.

This is a relatively affluent village. Every house in the village is a small building with two or three floors. Luo Xiaran and his party chose two nearby houses and lived in them.It's just that before resting, Jun Lie arranged for someone to sweep the village.

Generally, farmers in villages have granaries or cellars, and without spatial abilities, it is impossible to take all the things away. Luo Xiaran didn't want to make it cheaper for Jun Lie, so he asked Cheng Yan to bring Su Zheng and the other three. People take a trip.

Wu Ziying and others were cooking dinner with Juncheng, so it was naturally not Luo Xiaran's turn to cook.After brewing a pot of scented tea, he and Jun Lie sat in the side room around the charcoal basin, drinking tea and eating melon seeds in silence.

Luo Xiaran has been in ancient times for more than [-] years. She likes to drink tea, read books, eat melon seeds, and eat snacks every day when she has nothing to do. This habit has been around for a long time, and she is not without conditions, so she has no intention of changing it.

In consideration of Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran specially took some peanuts, walnuts and fruits.But in the end Jun Lie only chose a bright red apple, took out a fruit knife and slowly peeled it, and when Luo Xiaran finished knocking a handful of melon seeds, he handed the eight-petaled apple to Luo Xiaran in front of.

Because Luo Xiaran likes to eat raw melon seeds, her mouth doesn't feel dry, but since Jun Lie gave it to her, Luo Xiaran didn't refuse it either.Anyway, I'm planning to give it a try, right?
Dinner was still hot mutton soup, with a lot of chili added. Luo Xiaran also brought out two bottles of white wine. After all, the vigil had to be done in batches, and it was hard to survive the cold night without white wine.

In addition to the mutton soup, there were also many big meat buns made by the cook, which contained more fat, so Luo Xiaran threw them all to Jun Lie.Jun Lie was eating the steamed bun Luo Xiaran threw to him with a smile on his face, and both of them didn't notice that Cheng Yan's face was already livid.

As night approached, Jun Lie's men lit two bonfires in the yard. Although they couldn't dispel the cold, they at least made people feel more at ease.The task of vigil was divided into two groups by the people brought by Jun Lie, because Luo Xiaran was responsible for the dinner, not to mention she only brought a few people out.

The cold wind howled, flapping the windows and making a 'popping' sound.For safety and warmth, three or five people live in one room.Luo Xiaran brought Heishan and other eight hounds with her, while Jun Lie and Cheng Yan lived next door.

After being awakened by the nightmare, Luo Xiaran no longer felt sleepy.Since returning to the end of the world, Luo Xiaran has become accustomed to being surrounded by nightmares every night.This is also one of the reasons why she couldn't wait to go back to Province H. This is her inner demon. If she doesn't solve it, Luo Xiaran will probably drive herself crazy.

Because of Luo Xiaran's movement, Heishan, who was sleeping beside him, straightened up, licked Luo Xiaran's side face, and listened with his ears up.It's just because the wind outside is too loud, so I didn't notice anything unusual.

Luo Xiaran touched the Black Mountain, and then used her mental strength to take a look outside. These people were still useful to her, and Luo Xiaran didn't want to encounter any accidents as soon as she went out.

And when she saw black dots approaching the bonfire in the yard one by one from her mental power, Luo Xiaran got up, walked out of the room quickly and slammed Jun Lie's door.

Although she didn't feel the danger, Luo Xiaran didn't think that these approaching black dots were easy to deal with...

 Timely release~ Guess what it is~
(End of this chapter)

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