Chapter 172 No Visceral Injury
In the innermost master bedroom on the second floor, there were two quilts on the bed. Gao Herong was lying on the bed with a pale face, covered tightly, and there was no evidence of improper support.

Standing in front of Gao Herong's bed was a 27-year-old woman with dry lips and an uneasy expression sitting beside Gao Herong's bed, changing a cold towel for Gao Herong from time to time to cool down, so that Gao Herong, who was suffering from a high fever, would not get sick. Anyway.

Before Luo Xiaran could speak, Gao Hefeng stepped forward and lifted the quilt from Gao Herong's body, only to see Gao Herong's naked body on the bed, wrapped in gauze from chest to abdomen, with spots of blood stained on the gauze.Gao Herong's right leg was not only wrapped in thick gauze, but also put on two splints to prevent secondary injuries caused by Gao Herong's unconscious movements.

"Who is this?" Luo Xiaran was not in a hurry to check Gao Herong's wound, but turned to look at the woman and asked.The healing ability is still kept secret at present, so except for the two brothers of the Gao family, Luo Xiaran is not going to let others know.

"I forgot to introduce, this is my sister-in-law, Ding Shuya. Sister-in-law, this is Miss Luo Xiaran, the one whom Mr. Leng introduced to us to exchange supplies." Gao Hefeng finally realized, and said to the two of them.

"Hi, Mrs. Gao." Luo Xiaran nodded with a smile, and then said to Gao Hefeng, "I think this lady's complexion is not very good, why don't you take a rest?"

"Hi Miss Luo. I'm really tired, so please forgive me for being rude." Luo Xiaran was clear that what she said was an excuse, but Ding Shuya didn't think that Gao Hefeng would do anything treacherous, so she smiled back and left the bedroom , and closed the door by the way.

After Ding Shuya left, Luo Xiaran picked up the small scissors on the bedside table, and without a word opened the gauze wrapped around Gao Herong's body.Gao Hefeng opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

Under the gauze, a long bloodstain spread from the chest to the abdomen. Although it has been sutured with thread, there is not enough medicine, and a little blood still oozes from the wound.

"Shouldn't the internal organs be injured?" Luo Xiaran asked while removing the splint on her leg.After all, she is not a professional doctor. If the internal organs are injured, the stitches on the wound must be unstitched again.Although the healing ability can also penetrate into the body, but that consumes more energy.

"No, it's just that the high temperature and inflammation of the wound caused the high fever to persist, and it has been unable to heal." Gao Hefeng replied hastily after hearing the words. Nothing out of the ordinary, just rest assured.

"That's easy." There was no need to remove the stitches, and Luo Xiaran's mood improved a lot, after all, she didn't like the bloody look.With his hands parallel to Gao Herong's chest, a green wood-type ability emerged in Luo Xiaran's hands, and then wrapped around Gao Herong's wound bit by bit.

After the green light passed over and over again, the blood on Gao Herong's wound gradually disappeared, and Gao Hefeng stood aside, stunned and a little unbelievable.Although he knew that there were many kinds of abilities, he never thought that Luo Xiaran had healing abilities.

It's no wonder that Luo Xiaran has no shortage of materials in her hands. With such ability, she is definitely an existence that everyone is vying to please in the last days.However, Gao Hefeng also understood that since Luo Xiaran showed him the healing ability and even treated Gao Herong, it is absolutely impossible to use the crystal nucleus to solve the problem.

But no matter what, as long as the person is alive, it is enough, not to mention that since Luo Xiaran cured the person, he will not let them die...

 Scheduled release~Thanks for your support, Chirp~
(End of this chapter)

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