Chapter 174
When Luo Xiaran was woken up again, someone came to inform that dinner was ready.In order to avoid coal poisoning, the charcoal basin has long been extinguished.Looking out the window, he found that it was pitch black outside, and the faint sound of the wind made Luo Xiaran, who had just gotten up from the warm blanket, shiver uncontrollably.

Opening the door, Ding Shuya was standing outside the door, and Ding Shuya was holding a candle in her hand, and said to Luo Xiaran gratefully, "Miss Luo, my husband has woken up, thank you so much. "

"You're welcome. I'll bother Mr. Gao for a while after dinner." Hearing that Gao Herong woke up, Luo Xiaran was relieved. It seemed that her wood-type powers were indeed more focused on healing.

When I went downstairs, I found that there were seven or eight strange men in the lobby on the first floor.The people Jun Lie brought were all in the living room, eating dinner while standing or squatting, while the strange men gathered in the living room.

After entering the living room, there was only an empty seat beside Jun Lie.Luo Xiaran pursed her lips helplessly, and sat beside Jun Lie.There are hot noodles and multigrain pancakes on the dining table. The noodles are cooked with hot pot ingredients. It tastes spicy and warms the whole body.

And Jun Lie deliberately took out three marinated eggs from Juncheng's space and put them in Luo Xiaran's bowl, watching the strange men in the living room swallowing their saliva.You must know that after the end of the world, eggs are even rarer than meat.

"You eat it, I don't like it very much." Luo Xiaran said while sandwiching two marinated eggs for Jun Lie.In fact, what Luo Xiaran doesn't like to eat is the egg yolk, but she can't leave the egg yolk for Jun Lie alone, can she?They are not close enough to have a bowl of rice.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran left one, Jun Lie didn't force Luo Xiaran to finish it.What's more, Luo Xiaran has already said that she doesn't like it, hasn't she?However, there are other foods in Juncheng. After getting along for a long time, Luo Xiaran will always find more likes.

After a quiet dinner, Luo Xiaran took Gao Hefeng upstairs to the master bedroom.For Jun Lie who followed her step by step, Luo Xiaran didn't say anything, just pretending that he didn't exist.

Knocking on the door and entering the bedroom, he saw Gao Herong lying on the bed, beside Ding Shuya carefully feeding Gao Herong porridge with red dates and goji berries.At this time, Gao Herong's fever had subsided, and he was much more energetic. Seeing Luo Xiaran come in, Gao Hefeng struggled to get him up and leaned against the bed.

"I'm really grateful to Miss Luo this time. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to survive this winter." Gao Herong thanked gratefully, and without hesitation, he said directly: "I have heard Xiaofeng mention that Miss Luo You must already know the current situation of the Gao family, what you want, as long as I can do it."

"Mr. Gao doesn't have to be so serious. After all, I won't stay in City F for a long time. Besides, the Gao family may not be able to pay the price now, right? You must know that the price for me to sell is not low." Seeing the serious expressions of Gao Herong's family of three Luo Xiaran smiled slightly.

"I've said before that I want to build my own caravan, and the safe base in City F has a large population, so it can barely be used as a choice point.

But I'm short of manpower, and I can't stay in one place for a long time, so if the Gao family can do it, I don't mind leaving the business to you.Although you can't pay now, it doesn't matter if I owe you a batch of supplies first. "The two brothers of the Gao family are not ungrateful people, and Luo Xiaran has saved their lives, so Luo Xiaran is not worried that the bamboo basket will be empty if he plans this way.

 Timely release~Please collect and recommend~You can also get a loan for business, right~

(End of this chapter)

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