Chapter 176
After resting in City F for two days, Luo Xiaran also met some people in the safe zone of City F who were able to talk a little under the introduction of Gao Hefeng.Anyway, Luo Xiaran was just looking for a partner, and didn't care too much about the identity of the other party.

It's a pity that because of the heavy snow, the teams in the safety zone didn't have many crystal nuclei left. In the end, Luo Xiaran only traded less than [-] crystal nuclei from these people.

After leaving the necessary supplies for the recovered Gao Herong to recruit people, and then asking Jun Lie to send a message to Luo Zhaoxian through a communicator, the group set sail again.

I walked intermittently in the city for a month, but unfortunately I never encountered the safe zone again.Even if there were survivors, it would be impossible to curl up together.

However, it was also because the survivors were not good enough, and there were still a lot of supplies buried under the heavy snow, so they would not be able to make ends meet along the way.And since encountering the mutated ants on the first night, they have never encountered any dangerous situations.

Long journeys are exhausting.Even though the food provided by Luo Xiaran was good, facing the white snow field and the deserted city every day, I couldn't help feeling bored.

When the car stepped into the province of J, Luo Xiaran couldn't bear it.After pondering over and over again, he decided to spend a period of time in the periphery of J province, and then found a farmhouse to stay.

After the news was passed on, everyone's faces were filled with joy.Especially the two women, Wu Ziying and Lu Tongtong, couldn't help embracing their lovers together.

And Jun Lie, who got out of the car, noticed the reaction of the two women, and his eyes couldn't help but flicker.Now that he was in Luo Xiaran's car, even with Cheng Yan and the hounds, it was much better than when they met each other without words.Even Jun Lie hoped that Luo Xiaran would get closer, but in the end he could only endure it with his fists clenched.

Luo Xiaran, who was walking in front, didn't miss Jun Lie's emotional changes at all, but after so long, she got used to Jun Lie coming here from time to time, so she curled her lips helplessly and stopped paying attention.

The farmhouse is arranged like an ancient mountain villa, with rows of small wooden houses, farmland, orchards and fish ponds buried by heavy snow. Luo Xiaran thought that the business here must be good before the end of the world.

Probably because the end of the world was a holiday, and people went outside to escape the summer heat, so the farmhouse hid some zombies, and some rooms were even bloody. Fortunately, the cold winter came, otherwise the smell would be so bad that it would be uninhabitable.

While cleaning up the zombies and collecting supplies, he chose two clean rooms as resting places.Juncheng took Wu Ziying and two women to make lunch. Considering the hard work for a month, Juncheng specially prepared barbecue and hot pot.

With the support of Luo Xiaran's system backpack, they had a much richer meal than what they had eaten in the safe zone before.The people Jun Lie brought were dissatisfied with Luo Xiaran before, but now they are convinced.

After all, Luo Xiaran's 'space ability' is stronger than Juncheng's, and the supplies seem to be inexhaustible.If such a woman came together with Jun Lie, wouldn't it be Jun's family who benefited?

Luo Xiaran didn't know anything about what the team members were thinking, but Luo Xiaran could tell that they were respecting her more and more.Considering that Jun Lie's team members are all capable, Luo Xiaran doesn't mind using some food to buy people's hearts.

Even if these people won't betray Jun Lie, at least they won't stab her in the back, no... The most terrifying thing in the last days is not zombies or mutated animals, but the knives and hearts from behind...

 Timely release~ So you are the uncle who has food and meat~~~
(End of this chapter)

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