Chapter 183 Stored Underground

When Gu Wenqing came back after checking and counting the supplies in the grain station, Yuan Zhongkai was already busy.With the mutton, chili, condiments, etc. provided by Luo Xiaran, plus the charcoal basin, Yuan Zhongkai directly prepared five large pots.

In the hot pot, Yuan Zhongkai began to add ingredients little by little, from the simplest chili pepper to cinnamon and Baizhi. If Luo Xiaran was not there, Yuan Zhongkai felt that he might not be able to eat their family's ancestral hot pot in his life.

But because of this, Yuan Zhongkai's attitude towards Luo Xiaran was more kind.If it was for Jun Lie's face to speak softly before, then what Yuan Zhongkai sees now is Luo Xiaran.

It's no wonder that Jun Lie is still pursuing but has not received the other party's consent. So the most powerful one is not Jun Lie but Luo Xiaran?You must know that Yuan Zhongkai took people to the city before, but unfortunately he wanted to go deep but was blocked by zombies.

There are so many things in Luo Xiaran's space, ranging from grains to sewing department stores, which is not something that anyone can remember to collect casually.If it wasn't for Luo Xiaran's carefulness, or the other party knew about the end of the world, how could it be possible?
Luo Xiaran didn't know anything about Yuan Zhongkai's conjecture, sniffing the bottom of the hot pot that was gradually becoming fragrant, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but licked her lips.The hot pot I ate before was all the hot pot bottom materials collected directly. Compared with Yuan Zhongkai's hand, it is still far behind.

"This is really a big deal. I haven't eaten meat for a long time." Gu Wenqing, who came back, saw the mutton slices that had been sliced ​​aside, and couldn't help but said excitedly.Although Gu Wenqing is already an adult, but men generally don't like meat, and after the end of the world, it is already difficult to eat mutton.

Just because of this, Gu Wenqing felt a little embarrassed.He also had selfish intentions in inviting Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie before, and now he wants to bring people to a hot pot meal, thinking about it, he feels shameless.

"Don't worry about it, it's fate to meet you. I don't know how the count is?" Luo Xiaran smiled back, looked at Jun Lie who was washing radishes with Yuan Zhongkai, and then said.Although she can cook, she doesn't like to do it. Seeing Jun Lie earnestly learning to wash vegetables with Yuan Zhongkai, it's a little funny to think about it.

"In the grain station there are seven tons of unhulled rice, ten tons of cored corn, five tons of soybeans, three and a half tons of millet, one ton of mung beans, one ton of red beans, and more than fifteen tons of wheat.

According to the soldiers, this grain station is storing grain for the country, so regardless of its apparent size, the grain station is stored underground.Fortunately, the underground temperature is less affected by the weather. I have checked and the food is still in good condition.

It's a pity that the grain station does not have large transport vehicles, but the existing transport vehicles can also carry about five tons each.However, due to the heavy snow, the fuel tank of the transport vehicle is not lightly frozen and needs to be overhauled carefully, and we don't have enough diesel. "Gu Wenqing heard the words, and said to Luo Xiaran in detail.

"That's really a lot. What is Mr. Gu going to do?" With so many supplies, Luo Xiaran understood that it was impossible for Gu Wenqing to take them all away at once, and there was an underground storage, so even if they stayed, as long as no news was leaked, they would not was discovered.

But if it's not ten thousand, it's just in case, Luo Xiaran has no intention of keeping things.What's more, since Gu Wenqing called them to come, Luo Xiaran wouldn't go in vain, and at this moment, Luo Xiaran was already thinking about Jun Lie's interests.

 Regular release~ This story is purely fictitious, everything is for the development of the plot~
(End of this chapter)

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