Chapter 190

I ate two bowls of noodles in broth for lunch. I have to say that the cooking skills of the soldiers are pretty good.Luo Xiaran said something to Jun Lie, and asked him to let Yuan Zhongkai take the cooking soldier with him and take them away together.

Although Juncheng and Wu Ziying can cook, they are certainly not as good as the cooking soldiers who have studied cooking for several years.Moreover, the cook soldier can use limited ingredients to make the food more delicious when cooking, which is also a rare talent.

The name of the cooking soldier is Dong Qing, he is 35 years old, and he is from S Province.Because my family has many brothers and is relatively poor, I joined the army from the beginning.It's a pity that within a few years, he was transferred to the cooking class due to injury and was assigned to Yuan Zhongkai's hands.

Later Yuan Zhongkai was suppressed, and he simply left with Yuan Zhongkai.Anyway, he was an insignificant cook, so naturally no one cared too much about his going or staying.

As soon as Yuan Zhongkai told Dong Qing about Luo Xiaran's idea, Dong Qing immediately agreed.He planned to follow Yuan Zhongkai himself, not to mention that Luo Xiaran had a lot of good family background, he was not stupid, of course he knew how to choose.

It's so dangerous outside now, Province S can't go back no matter what.Besides, Dong Qing knew from the bottom of his heart that his brothers and sisters were all working outside, and the old father and mother at home would probably have been killed long ago if they encountered this situation.

Luo Xiaran put away the three fully loaded transport vehicles, and then there were scattered clothes, bedding, canopy beds, etc. in the grain station, and then a group of people boarded the vehicle and set off.

Since there were more than a dozen people in the grain station, each car seemed very crowded. Only Luo Xiaran had eight hounds in the car, so no one was being arranged.

Because the destination was clear and Gu Wenqing was leading the way, a group of people arrived in the safe area of ​​N city in the early morning.The safety zone is centered on the college district in N city, including a university, a junior high school and a high school around it.

Through mental power, we can see that the school has been surrounded by walls built by earth-type supernatural beings, but it may be because the heavy snow is too cold, so there are no guards, but at the entrance, there is already a car The car was waiting there with three men.

It seems that Gu Wenqing and the others also have some way to communicate. I should have observed it before I knew it.Seeing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help thinking in her heart.When she was away from home, she was most worried about Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui. It would be great if there was a way to communicate directly.

When she noticed the man sitting in the car who looked somewhat similar to Gu Wenqing, Luo Xiaran thought, probably this is the Gu Yiru hiding behind Gu Wenqing.

According to Jun Lie and Yuan Zhongkai's introduction, Gu Yiru used to be the secretary of N City. Although he didn't know why the other party was not with the official army, Luo Xiaran didn't care because Gu Yiru was a clean and honest official.Luo Xiaran thinks that such a person is a good candidate for cooperation for the country and the people.And through the inspection just now, Luo Xiaran found that there are many survivors in this safe zone.

After getting out of the car, Gu Wenqing had already walked up with Gu Yiru.Gu Yiru is an elegant-looking man, but he suffered a crime after the end of the world, so he is relatively thin, giving people a feeling that he will collapse when the wind blows.But Luo Xiaran could also feel that Gu Yiru's ability level had already reached level three.

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(End of this chapter)

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