Chapter 192

After simple cleaning, the two slept in their clothes.Nestling in Jun Lie's arms, his whole body was enveloped by Jun Lie's aura, and he slept peacefully until dawn without knowing it.

When Luo Xiaran woke up, Jun Lie had already got up, and while wiping his wet hair, he was sitting not far from Luo Xiaran, watching Luo Xiaran's movements.

"Good morning, Ranran. The hot water is ready." Seeing Luo Xiaran opened his eyes, Jun Lie threw away the towel in his hand, leaned forward and kissed Luo Xiaran's lips, and said.

"Good morning." He kissed Jun Lie back in a natural manner, after which Luo Xiaran got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.Anyway, we're already together, and we've shared the same bed, why bother to be so pretentious?What's more, Jun Lie is so considerate, Luo Xiaran still agrees with him in his heart.

And Jun Lie, who was kissed by Luo Xiaran, was standing dumbfounded at this moment, rubbing his side face in disbelief, and after a long time, he showed a silly smile.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, when Luo Xiaran came out, Jun Lie had already prepared a steaming breakfast.It looks like the meat porridge cooked by Juncheng, sticky and fragrant, is served in a small white basin.

The two sat opposite each other, eating breakfast quietly, drinking meat porridge with big steamed stuffed buns stuffed with kohlrabi and spicy cabbage pickled by the cook.It's a pity that there is no TV to watch, otherwise it would be like a young couple who just got married before the end of the world, with a harmonious atmosphere.

"Gu Yiru lives on the top floor. When Juncheng brought us breakfast, he mentioned that we were invited to have breakfast, but I refused." When Luo Xiaran put down the bowls and chopsticks, Jun Lie slammed five times and divided two. He ate the last bun, wiped his mouth and said.

"Well, I guess it's almost time to eat, clean up and go up." Nodding slightly, Luo Xiaran got up to clean up the dishes, while Jun Lie brought a basin of water, heated it for Luo Xiaran to use.

After the two of them worked together to clean up the house, they opened the door and went upstairs.The air in the corridor was cold and the wind was howling.Wrapping the down jacket around her body, she noticed that Jun Lie, who was walking by her side, retreated behind her, blocking the cold wind blowing up from behind for her.

Turning around, he smiled at Jun Lie, and couldn't help waving his hands back. When Jun Lie's slightly rough big hand came up to hold it, both of them couldn't help but curl up their mouths.

On the tenth floor, only two brothers Gu Yiru and Gu Wenqing lived in the same room.After the end of the world, there are only two brothers left to depend on each other, so they seem very deserted.

"Miss Luo, Young Master Jun, please come in." Hearing the knock on the door, Gu Wenqing got up and opened the door, and after sitting down facing the two, he diligently made a pot of tea and came out.

"Miss Luo, the place where the supplies are placed has been tidied up, when do you think it's suitable?" Gu Yiru said with a smile at the two of them without mentioning any question about the remuneration.

"Anytime, but I also brought a lot of daily necessities. I wonder if Mr. Gu is interested?" Luo Xiaran also smiled back, holding a tea cup and said leisurely.

"Hehe, Ms. Luo was joking, I have a lot of people here, and I'm in short supply, so there's really nothing I can do." Gu Yiru fumbled for the teacup, and then said apologetically.

Although Gu Wenqing learned that Luo Xiaran's spatial ability is very powerful, but this batch of food is very important to the safe zone, and he can't exchange it for other things.

"Mr. Gu doesn't need to do that, I'm not short of food, so if it's gold, silver, jade or even zombie crystal cores, they can be exchanged." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran shook her head: "I will stay here for three days, Anyone can exchange these things for food, and I hope Mr. Gu can help inform us."

 Timely release~ Mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are~
(End of this chapter)

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