Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 195 Tens of Thousands of Crystal Nuclei

Chapter 195 Tens of Thousands of Crystal Nuclei

"I...Can I stay here?" After hesitating for a while, the woman whispered, if Luo Xiaran's mental power hadn't been strengthened, she probably wouldn't be able to hear what the other party said.

"Of course there is no problem." Knowing that the other party probably had some difficulties, Luo Xiaran nodded without saying a word.Anyway, this cafeteria is not her territory, and it is not easy to raise a child after the apocalypse. Seeing how many crystal nuclei the other party has contributed, Luo Xiaran doesn't care about so many.

And following the woman's transaction, people began to come one after another.Most people come to trade multigrain pancakes, and now the fire is hard to come by. There are ready-made multigrain pancakes, and you can eat them directly when you are hungry.What's more, one red crystal nucleus can be exchanged for three miscellaneous grain pancakes, which is enough for one person to last for three to five days.

Of course, there are also exchanges of water, charcoal, etc., and richer women also exchange some large bread, body wash, etc. Through the transactions with the survivors, Luo Xiaran can see that the safe zone managed by Gu Yiru is still quite stable. .

After trading until noon, the cafeteria began preparing the meals. Luo Xiaran had harvested more than 3000 red crystal nuclei and more than 5000 white crystal nuclei.Although the white crystal nucleus is useless to her now, the fly's legs are still meat no matter how small they are, and Luo Xiaran readily accepts them.

While receiving these crystal nuclei, Luo Xiaran also took out thousands of miscellaneous grain cakes, hundreds of corn flour steamed buns, white flour steamed buns and rice were the least traded, probably because in order to survive, everyone has learned to count and count. .

At noon, Jun Lie's team members and Yuan Zhongkai and others came directly to the cafeteria. Luo Xiaran got some soy sauce and vinegar and exchanged meals with the chef in the cafeteria.Vinegar cabbage, radish stewed potatoes, a large pot of egg soup, and the pancakes and steamed buns in Luo Xiaran's backpack, it didn't take long to finish lunch.

Taking advantage of the meal time, the two also discussed about Yuan Zhongkai's supplies.Those who want to stay in the safe zone can each get a thousand catties of grain, and those who want to continue to follow Yuan Zhongkai, the grain will be handed over to Luo Xiaran to change the crystal nucleus.

It may be because the food provided by Luo Xiaran was so good, so only five people left in the end, including Yuan Zhongkai and Dong Qing, nine people remained.And these people were all included in Jun Lie's team.After all, many of Jun Lie's team members are soldiers, and they are very harmonious together.

Before the business started in the afternoon, many people who got accurate information started looking for him.However, because the cafeteria has not been closed yet, Luo Xiaran is not in a hurry to open it.

Noticing the woman curled up in the corner with the child in her arms, Luo Xiaran sighed slightly, and asked Juncheng to help arrange it softly.The temperature in the cafeteria was still low, and she didn't want the child who had taken the medicine to continue to burn.

By the time the cafeteria closed, it was already 02:30 in the afternoon.At this time, there were many survivors waiting for the transaction in the cafeteria. The voices were noisy, the smells merged, and the air became cloudy.

Frowning, Luo Xiaran hung up the sign and started the transaction.I was busy until night fell, and after counting, I found that there were already [-] red crystal nuclei, tens of thousands of white crystal nuclei, and even two orange crystal nuclei. The harvest was quite fruitful.

Just when Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had dinner in the cafeteria and went back to rest, brothers Gu Yiru and Gu Wenqing came to the door again...

 Timely release~ If you like it, don't forget to bookmark and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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