Chapter 205 Come with me
Tentatively living in a farmyard in the village, there are vegetable gardens and farmland behind the houses here, but unfortunately they are all buried by snow at this time, and there is no trace of plants.

Nearly 40 people chose the two neighboring houses. Fortunately, each family has built earth kangs.

Taking off the heavy cotton coat and only wearing a sweater, Luo Xiaran sat on the sofa, recalling Wu Yan'an's movements in her previous life bit by bit.Although she never acted with Wu Yan'an in this life, Luo Xiaran felt that with Wu Yan'an's ambition, she shouldn't be quiet.

City H's military strength is not low, so although the end of the world was a bit chaotic at the beginning, after a month or so of coming here, a safe zone began to be established.At first they hid underground, and then followed the troops to a safe area.

Because they are all rare abilities, life in the safe zone was good at first.However, supplies became more and more scarce, and Wu Yanan took the team to search for supplies outside the safe zone to develop his power. If it wasn't for Luo Xiaran's special wood-type abilities, he might have been abandoned very early.

At that time, Luo Xiaran was imprisoned in Wu Yan'an's villa without a trace. Every time Wu Yan'an and the others came back from outside, Luo Xiaran was the busiest.The vegetables are born day and night, all to take care of Wu Yanan's body.

It's just that Luo Xiaran's wood-type abilities are weaker than other wood-type abilities, because there are only five wood-type abilities in the entire safe zone, and the other four are in the hands of other forces, so Wu Yanan At that time, his attitude towards Luo Xiaran didn't change much, and he still pampered her like a little princess.

Accidentally obtained a meteorite, Wu Yan'an's supernatural ability advanced faster, and he was absorbed into the army along with the team. It took only three short months to gain the right to speak.It has to be said that Wu Yan'an is still very good at drilling and manipulating people's hearts.

Although Luo Xiaran didn't know what Wu Yanan had done at the beginning, by the time she knew it, the entire safe zone had become Wu Yanan's possession.At that time, Luo Xiaran was still happy for Wu Yanan, but thinking about it now, she was really stupid.After all, it was from that time that Wu Yan'an's attitude towards her had changed.

It has been nearly ten months since the end of the world began, and Luo Xiaran estimated in his heart that with Wu Yanan's means, he should have entered the core area of ​​power.

However, where there are people, there is a struggle for power. Luo Xiaran's goal is Wu Yan'an, so the enemy of an enemy is a friend, so just find someone who doesn't like Wu Yan'an.

What's more, Wu Yan'an is too selfish, and the safety zone controlled by Wu Yan'an is polarized.People with supernatural powers are high above them. Ordinary people are like slaves. They have no freedom and personality. If they are a little careless, they may be killed by the people with supernatural abilities.It's not like Luo Xiaran had never met her before, but it's a pity that she was deceived by a few words.

Licking her dry lips, Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie, who was sitting silently beside her, "Go with me, I have to meet him in person."

Luo Xiaran didn't want to sit and wait for the news, and it would be boring if Wu Yanan started to take revenge on him without knowing anything.Based on her understanding of Wu Yan'an, Luo Xiaran knew very well that as soon as she showed up, Wu Yan'an would definitely come to her.

 Scheduled release~Double Eleven, have you bought your hands~
(End of this chapter)

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