Chapter 211 Interest Required
"Crystal nucleus?" Wu Wenfeng frowned upon hearing this, not knowing exactly what the crystal nucleus Luo Xiaran was talking about.Because he was injured before, Wu Wenfeng also recuperated for more than two months, and he didn't have enough trusted people to exchange information, so he was a little at a loss for a while.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaran understood that Wu Wenfeng hadn't discovered the function of crystal nuclei.But it is true, after all, the news that crystal nuclei are useful to supernatural beings was concealed in private when it was first discovered.

In the first half of the apocalypse, on average, every fifty zombies may only find one crystal nucleus. If the crystal nucleus did not accidentally fall out of the zombie's head, who would have the leisure to look over the zombie's head?
What's more, Wu Wenfeng can only hide in the outer area of ​​the road now. Even if strangers appear, Wu Wenfeng has to carefully observe and avoid them again and again. If Luo Xiaran and his party did not appear, it may take longer to discover the existence of the crystal nucleus and use.

In the final analysis, it was Wu Wenfeng's bad luck. People like Wu Yan'an could find the use of crystal nuclei, but Wu Wenfeng didn't know anything about it.

It's no wonder that Luo Xiaran has never heard of the existence of Wu Wenfeng. Probably in his previous life, when Wu Yan'an got the right to speak in the military area, Wu Wenfeng had already been kicked out of the safe zone.

"The crystal nucleus exists in the zombie's head, and it contains energy, which can be used by the supernatural person to cultivate supernatural powers. It can also be used as a currency for transactions. The several safe zones we passed before used the crystal nucleus as currency." Luo Xia Ran flicked her fingers and explained, but she was thinking in her heart that it would be better to spread the news of the crystal nucleus widely.

In this way, ordinary people can also have a head start, killing zombies and using crystal nuclei in exchange for what they need.And her inn mainly collects crystal cores, the more people kill zombies, the more she earns, right?
"!" Hearing this, Wu Wenfeng showed a surprised expression on his face, and it took a long time before he regained his senses, and said gratefully: "Thank you Miss Luo for sharing this news, it is really very important."

Wu Wenfeng's team also has abilities, but the level of abilities is too low, and they are not as powerful as machetes and iron rods in battle.If you can use the crystal nucleus to cultivate supernatural powers, it should become more and more powerful.

"You're welcome, I just want more people to live better." Luo Xiaran waved her hand and continued, "I'm a businessman. As long as there are enough benefits, I can do business."

"In this situation, I don't know where to get crystal nuclei..." Wu Wenfeng opened his mouth hesitantly, but he didn't know what to say in the end.If such a situation happened before the end of the world, it would be fine to talk about credit, but now that you are in a precarious situation, which businessman will provide credit service?
"It's okay, I can provide Mr. Wu with a batch of goods for free for the time being, but if you need interest, the interest is [-] crystal nuclei a day." Luo Xiaran hooked the corner of her mouth and said calmly.She wasn't worried about Wu Wenfeng's repentance in the future. After all, Wu Wenfeng's goal was the military region, and the safe zone was so big that it was not easy to leave.

"This... I'm really ashamed. But Miss Luo, don't worry, I won't fail to pay the debt." Wu Wenfeng was a little emotional, clenched his fists and said firmly.

Sure enough, the adventure paid off. When he realized that Luo Xiaran and the others had no worries about eating and drinking, and even had green vegetables, Wu Wenfeng felt that this team was a rare and strong team. Now with the support of Luo Xiaran's materials, Wu Wenfeng can also flex his muscles.

 Timely release~ A businesswoman who loses money will never do it~
(End of this chapter)

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