Chapter 222
I ate a ready-made vegetarian steamed bun for dinner, and ate a lot of melon and fruit snacks in the afternoon. If it wasn't because I had something to do in the evening, I probably would have saved even dinner.

And when Luo Xiaran and the two were about to go out, the communicator'beep beep'beeped a message.Listening attentively, after the sound ended, Jun Lie said to Luo Xiaran: "Wu Wenfeng has agreed to take over here, but we need to wait for that side to settle down."

"Okay, reply to the message and tell them a week at the latest." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows and said.Luo Xiaran was not at all surprised that Wu Wenfeng agreed to this point. After all, Wu Wenfeng must also be very aware of the situation in the government's safe zone, but he had more than enough energy before.

Put away the communicator, open up the mental power, and scan the fifth floor, most of the survivors have gone back to their rooms to rest.Occasionally, there are three or two kittens doing shameful things in the corner, but they are not on the way they want to go.

Covering the two of them with mental power, then gently opened the door.Along the route stepped on during the day, they arrived in Wu Yan'an's sphere of influence in silence.

Considering that Wu Yanan has a meteorite that suppresses mental power in his hand, and he doesn't want to startle the snake, Luo Xiaran endured it and didn't go upstairs, but found a corner and threw him out, and let Jun Lie throw him away. A fireball, disguised as a corpse-destroyer.

In less than a minute, the firelight attracted the members of the night watch. Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie quickly withdrew from Wu Yan'an's sphere of influence, and then lost control of the yellow-haired boss' sphere of influence. Fire, and finally wandered back to the room.Along the way, Luo Xiaran was manipulating the plants to clean up the traces, and Luo Xiaran would not give anyone else the slightest opportunity to take advantage of them.

Her heart was pounding with excitement, and Luo Xiaran knew very well that she was not nervous, but excited.Probably because Wu Yanan was about to be deprived of everything he cared about, just thinking about it made me so excited that I couldn't sleep.

Although Jun Lie vaguely guessed Luo Xiaran's feelings, he didn't want Luo Xiaran to focus all her attention on Wu Yan'an.He hugged Luo Xiaran's waist, deprived Luo Xiaran of the air with a kiss, and finally made her fall into a drowsy sleep, and then he hugged him again in satisfaction.

The next morning, the two woke up to the noise.After listening carefully, it became clear that what they did yesterday attracted attention.After all, there are many dangers in the last days, and a little movement in the safe zone will cause a lot of attention.

Even though they only did a little thing last night, in the eyes of the management, it was a real provocation.There are so many supernatural beings in Wu Yan'an who haven't caught anyone, how can it not make people panic?
What's more, anyone with a discerning eye knows the things between Wu Yan'an, Pang Wei, and Huang Mao's boss, so the first person to be suspected by everyone is Pang Wei, who was framed by Luo Xiaran.

It's a pity that there is no clear evidence, so Wu Yan'an and Huangmao boss didn't dare to do anything.And Pang Wei suffered from being dumb, and was also in a very upset mood. Who told him that he couldn't produce evidence to prove that he didn't do this thing by himself?

Moreover, Pang Wei couldn't guess in his heart who framed him like this. Facing Wu Yan'an directly, Pang Wei's chances of winning were relatively small.After all, Wu Yan'an is now a celebrity in front of the director, and if Pang Wei hadn't been for his strength, he would have been taken care of long ago.

Just when Pang Wei was aggrieved, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie appeared in front of Pang Wei hand in hand, as 'witnesses'...

 Scheduled release~ My head hurts~ Sneezing all the time~ Drunk drunk~
(End of this chapter)

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