Chapter 237 You can leave
Luo Xiaran was not interested in knowing the conjectures in Jin Feiya's mind.Seeing the two standing on the spot guardedly, Luo Xiaran slightly shrugged her shoulders and said, "It seems that you two are not tired anymore, so forget it."

After that, Luo Xiaran waved and put away the things on the coffee table, and replaced it with a fruit plate full of fresh fruits, then took out a bunch of grapes, and washed them slowly under water.

Seeing this, the pupils of both Wu Yan'an and Jin Feiya couldn't help but dilate.As soon as Luo Xiaran made a move, she showed the ability of space and water, and the most interesting thing was the fresh fruit.

Since the last days, the land and rivers have been polluted.Even if there are seeds to plant, they cannot germinate.What's more, it's almost a year since the end of the world, even if it's vegetables and fruits placed in the space, it's impossible to guarantee their freshness.

So in the eyes of Wu Yan'an and Jin Feiya, Luo Xiaran should have a supernatural person who can grow vegetables and fruits by her side.Thinking that Luo Xiaran not only has dual-element abilities, but also has such power around him, Wu Yanan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

If you can control fresh fruits and vegetables, then it is no problem to control a safe zone.However, Luo Xiaran's appearance was too weird, even if Wu Yan'an was tempted, he would not act rashly before he knew Luo Xiaran's purpose.

Just as Wu Yanan was in a trance, Jun Lie led the people up from the stairs.Because there was no restraint from Luo Xiaran, except for those who entered the commercial building to collect supplies, except those who accidentally died in the hands of traps and zombies, the rest were basically dealt with by Jun Lie and his team.

Hearing the movement behind them, Wu Yan'an and Jin Feiya couldn't help turning their heads.Seeing Jun Lie walking in, the two took a step back at the same time.

After Jun Lie looked at Wu Yan'an disdainfully from top to bottom, he walked past the two of them with a vicious look all over his body.Came to sit down beside Luo Xiaran, hugged Luo Xiaran and kissed her on the cheek, and then slowly restrained her whole body.

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Jun Lie again. It seems that Mr. Jun Lie has been taking care of Ran Ran during this period of time. I really troubled Mr. Jun Lie." Wu Yan'an couldn't help but groan when he saw Jun Lie's appearance. With a sound, I didn't expect that he had tried every means before, and finally Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie came together.

Could it be that Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran said something?After all, Luo Xiaran had a weird attitude towards him before, and Wu Yan'an couldn't help but think in his heart that before the end of the world, he probably didn't do anything that could be caught by Jun Lie and cause Luo Xiaran to hate him.

"Tch." Hearing this, Jun Lie couldn't help but sneer.For a hypocrite, Jun Lie looked down on the most, not to mention that this person also deceived Luo Xiaran's feelings.If it wasn't for Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie would have hacked him to pieces long ago, so he wouldn't have given him a chance to talk.

Luo Xiaran picked a grape and stuffed it in the air of Jun Lie, preventing Jun Lie from speaking.Then he looked at Wu Yan'an and said, "The meteorite is left behind, you two can leave."

She has already laid out enough bait, and with Wu Yanan's ambition, she shouldn't let go so easily.Luo Xiaran wanted to see Wu Yan'an's expression when he was struggling and finally wasted all his hopes.

"Meteorite? What meteorite?" A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Wu Yan'an was full of anger at Jun Lie's behavior of belittling him.However, the situation is pressing. As a smart person, even if Wu Yan'an wished that a thunderbolt would strike Jun Lie, the expression on his face was still humble, and he even looked at Luo Xiaran with puzzlement in his eyes, as if Really don't understand anything in general.

 Timely release~ Dig the pit, wait for someone to jump down~
(End of this chapter)

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