Chapter 243 Monitoring Daily
Decided not to watch the fun anymore, and Luo Xiaran didn't want to continue entangled with Pang Wei.Jun Lie sent the news back to the inn, and the team members who stayed in the inn notified Wu Wenfeng, and then began to seize power against Pang Wei.

Even if Pang Wei's force value is not low, it's a pity that Pang Wei can't give [-]% trust to the people around him, and Juncheng soon found an opportunity to take advantage of.

And because Wu Wenfeng sent people to infiltrate the safe zone long ago, he cooperated with Jun Lie and others from the inside out. Even if Pang Wei resisted, he was still defeated by Jun Lie's supernatural power in the end.

However, the fight between the two disturbed the survivors living nearby. Wu Wenfeng had to attack the police chief and the deputy mayor in advance.

It's just that these two people are neither good officials nor those who cherish supernatural powers, so no one has revealed anything about their passing, and with Luo Xiaran's supplies to appease them, as well as news from the inn, the safe zone has been in turmoil for two days. Quietly returned to Wu Wenfeng's subordinates.

However, because there is still some distance between the military security zone and the government security zone, after thinking for a while, Wu Wenfeng handed over the government security zone to a trustworthy person. military security zone.

After all, there are many survivors in the two safe areas, and they have adapted to each other's life in the safe areas. If the two safe areas are merged rashly, it will only cause uneasiness for the survivors, so it is better to just keep the two safe areas. Keep watching and helping each other.

Besides, too many people will cause many problems. Wu Wenfeng thinks the current situation is quite good.If there are any problems in the future, just wait for the problems to be solved when they arise.

Anyway, the Daowai area where Luo Xiaran's inn is located is almost in the middle of the two safe areas, and it is very convenient to transport supplies back and forth.What's more, Luo Xiaran told him that he can use the radio to contact him, which is even more convenient.

After solving the problem of the safety zone, Luo Xiaran hoped that Wu Wenfeng would pay attention to whether there was any news from country E across the HL river. People in country E were brave and good at fighting because they lived in cold regions all the year round.

But the supplies are naturally not comparable to their country. One of Luo Xiaran wants to do business abroad, and the other is also guarding against the possibility of invasion by the E Congress.

After receiving Wu Wenfeng's consent, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie led their men to the place where Wu Yan'an was.Because it is impossible to determine what Wu Yanan's abilities are, and even the special ability person who healed the two of them can't be found, so Luo Xiaran needs to investigate it himself.

After all, no one can match the ability of a person with spiritual powers. As long as he unfolds his spiritual power, there is little to hide, unless there is another meteorite in Wu Yan'an's hand.

In order not to startle the enemy, the convoy stopped about a kilometer away from Wu Yan'an, and then changed to walking.Fortunately, in order to hide his figure, Wu Yan'an chose the old town. The houses here are densely populated, and there are small alleys extending in all directions, which also facilitates the approach of Luo Xiaran and his group.

Probably because the cold winter is coming to an end. At this time, the weather has reached minus eighty-nine degrees, and the thick ice and snow are faintly showing signs of melting, but there is still a "creaking" sound when stepped on.

He chose a small building that could be explored with mental power but would not be discovered and lived in. Then Luo Xiaran began to monitor Wu Yanan and others daily. After a day and a night, Luo Xiaran finally got the Answers needed...

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(End of this chapter)

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