Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 249 The Richest Existence

Chapter 249 The Richest Existence

Holding the distracted Luo Xiaran in his arms, Jun Lie sighed in his heart.Even though he knew that Wu Yan'an had a great influence on Luo Xiaran early in the morning, Jun Lie still felt very uncomfortable.

Luo Xiaran, who was originally in a trance, noticed it the moment Jun Lie's aura changed.Pursing his lips, he rubbed against Jun Lie's arms helplessly, and said softly: "Since the matter is settled, let's go back. Didn't Brother Zhongkai say that he knows some good places?"

The thick snow outside has shown signs of melting. I believe that zombies, mutated animals, and mutated plants will all be active soon.Although three inns have been opened now, they are not enough to satisfy Luo Xiaran.

After all, the inn has been unable to make ends meet after borrowing so many supplies before.If it weren't for the crystal nuclei and materials she collected on the way, the inn would probably have been closed long ago.

And with the reappearance of zombies, some situations in the safe zone began to emerge more or less. The safe area of ​​City S is the base camp of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, so it is not good to keep Xiao Zhenyan in charge, even if Xiao Zhenyan will not betray Jun Lie, but if things go on like this, Jun Lie's status as a leader will probably be left behind .

Although Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are not people who are greedy for power, with the status of leaders, whether it is walking outside, or Luo Xiaran's inn and caravan, they will get great convenience, at least they will not be unscrupulous. People with long eyes covet it, don't they?
"Okay, Brother Zhongkai said that he knows an underground military supplies processing factory. There should be troops stationed in it. The supplies can be ignored, but those instruments should be of great use to you." Jun Lie bowed his head and kissed Luo Xia. Ran's forehead, said.

Long after Yuan Zhongkai spoke, Jun Lie had a detailed exchange with him in private.Among them, Yuan Zhongkai not only knew the address of the military supplies processing factory, but even had an arsenal and a military factory.

This kind of place is very secretive, even Jun Lie doesn't know the exact location of these places, he only knows some rough outlines.Regarding Yuan Zhongkai's news, Jun Lie had no doubts. After all, Yuan Zhongkai had been in charge of many secret missions before being squeezed out of the special forces, so it was hard to guarantee that he would not come into contact with these existences.

However, this does not guarantee that Yuan Zhongkai's news is [-]% accurate and valid. After all, more than five years have passed. If it is for safety, it is not a bad idea to change the address.

But since there is news, Jun Lie doesn't want to miss it.If it can be found, it will be beneficial to both the safe zone and Luo Xiaran's business.

For example, making machines such as military canned food, compressed biscuits, and dehydrated vegetables can make Luo Xiaran's caravan go further?What's more, with such supplies, they are very sought-after for survivors or teams that go out to collect supplies.After all, these things can be stored for a long time, and there is no lack of nutrition needed by the human body to fight hunger.

The human body needs a lot of nutrients. Even if they don't starve to death, the survivors will suffer from lack of certain nutrients for a long time.For example, diseases such as night blindness, it is very dangerous to get sick in the last days.

"Well, it would be even better if we can find scientific researchers. If the crystal nucleus generates electricity, these instruments can be used. Although it is the end of the world, I want to be the richest existence in the end of the world!" Luo Xiaran hooked the corner of her mouth, full of confidence said full.

Living is not the purpose, without hatred, Luo Xiaran needs to be more free and unrestrained.Only a life with pursuit is meaningful, her time has stopped, and the days to come are still long, how can she just muddle along...

 Scheduled release~Volume [-] opens~ please continue to support me~
(End of this chapter)

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