Chapter 255 Mind-Reading Powers
"Oh? That's interesting." Luo Xiaran was full of curiosity as she calmly blocked the other party's spiritual power from probing into her.I really didn't expect that this honest man is also a psychic, but why doesn't he pay attention to the team?
While thinking, Luo Xiaran let go of the man's hand, and then watched the man leave.But in his heart, he was thinking about how to find out what his psychic ability was without alarming the other party.

Since returning to the end of the world, it seems that there are always relatively rare supernatural beings.Powerful dark systems, language, etc., and even psychic powers appeared one after another. For some reason, Luo Xiaran felt that her future life would definitely be more exciting.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Luo Xiaran had been in a daze, Jun Lie, who was upset because Luo Xiaran shook hands with other strangers, also noticed something was wrong.

"Oh, it's okay, the other party is a psychic, but I don't know what it is." While watching the man's footsteps going downstairs with her mental power, Luo Xiaran responded: "It seems that the other party is not just for supplies, Could it be that he was going to take the things and not pay the bill, or just take the inn directly?"

Although it was already scheduled to leave tomorrow to find the places Yuan Zhongkai mentioned, but since something happened at the inn, Luo Xiaran couldn't just leave.Without Luo Xiaran's manipulation, the defense of the inn is not too high.

"Are you going to arrest him?" Hearing this, Jun Lie said seriously.Originally thought that the other party was an ordinary person, but unexpectedly he was a supernatural being, who dared to attack Luo Xiaran under his nose. Naturally, Jun Lie couldn't tolerate such a person.

"Don't worry, the snow will melt when you walk anyway, just wait for three days." Three days later will be the end of the first cold winter, even if they hurry, they won't be able to go far, after all, after the snow melts The road is uneven and driving is not safe.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Nodding his head, Jun Lie didn't express any objection.He himself went out this time to accompany Luo Xiaran, and he was already walking with Luo Xiaran, so no matter where Luo Xiaran wanted to go or what to do, Jun Lie didn't care.

And just after Jun Lie nodded, the man who left had already returned to their room.

Sitting at the top seat, the man with a scar on his hand asked the man to close the door, "How is it? Did you read anything?"

read?The scar man's words gave Luo Xiaran an inspiration, and Luo Xiaran boldly guessed in her heart: Could it be that the man has the ability to read minds?
The mind-reading ability is also a kind of mutant ability of the spirit system; it can obtain other people's memories or thoughts through contact, viewing, etc., but Luo Xiaran only heard of it in her previous life, and the mind-reading ability at that time was The people in the team were on guard and died early in the hands of the zombies.

"No, no... Only the woman shook hands with me, but she didn't read anything." The man shrank back and replied with his head down.

"Trash, I can't do anything after raising you for so long. What about the food?" The scarred man cursed and asked loudly.

"I, I said that I want to buy a thousand catties of grain. The price of grain varies, and a second-level crystal nucleus... I have agreed with the woman to trade in three days." The man carefully repeated Luo Xiaran's previous quotation, for fear of offending the other party. .

"Fuck, there are a lot of good things." Hearing that Luo Xiaran had not only food, but also melon seeds and peanuts, the tall and thin man sitting on the other side muttered, "Brother, the other party and two safe The district has something to do with it, what shall we do?"

 Timely release~ Haha, you didn't guess it~ It's mind reading~
(End of this chapter)

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