Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 262 Beast Language Ability

Chapter 262 Beast Language Ability
"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I was wrong, I was wrong, our Doudou is smart and well-behaved, and we are not mischievous at all." Pei Zheng raised his hand and touched Doudou who was squeaking, teasing like a child with.

"Woohoo." King Kong who was standing behind Pei Zheng saw that he had been paying attention to Doudou but not himself, and made a sound a little unhappy, and even moved closer to Pei Zheng's side.

"Oh, King Kong, you've grown up, why do you still have the same knowledge as Doudou? You are all good, all are good." Pei Zheng shook his head with a smile on his face, turned around and raised his hand to pat King Kong's arm, and then directed Luo Xiaran and the two said embarrassedly: "I made you laugh."

"Mr. Pei, can you understand what they are talking about?" Luo Xiaran looked at it for a while, and then she had some thoughts in her mind, and asked.If Pei Zheng can communicate with King Kong and the others, it proves that Pei Zheng also has supernatural powers.

"Yeah, after suffering from a serious illness, I can suddenly understand what King Kong and the others are saying. The communication was not so smooth at the beginning, thanks to the shiny things that King Kong found." Pei Zheng had a look on his face. He nodded with emotion and said.

Although King Kong has always been very kind to him, there is still a difference between humans and animals after all.He was seriously ill that time, but unfortunately King Kong was so smart that he couldn't find the right medicine for him like a human being.

But it was a blessing in disguise. When he had a high fever for a while and almost thought he couldn't survive it, he suddenly understood the meaning in King Kong's whining voice. After being able to communicate, he saved a lot of trouble and avoided it for them. Not a few dangers.

"Illness is probably due to the activation of the ability. As far as I know, this ability is called 'beast language ability'. Simply put, it can communicate with mutant animals, and according to my observations, both King Kong and Doudou It's a mutated animal, and Pippi is most likely triggering a supernatural power. But I can't tell what the specific situation is." After fumbling with her fingers, Luo Xiaran said to Pei Zheng.

"The shiny thing is the zombie crystal nucleus, which exists in the zombie's brain. The crystal nucleus contains energy, which can make superhumans and mutant animals stronger. King Kong is very sensitive to the existence of the crystal nucleus because he is a mutant animal. .”

"Now the outside of the island is covered with heavy snow, and the zombies have disappeared, but soon the cold winter will end, and the zombies will reappear, and even more mutated animals will appear."

"Two security bases have been established in City H, one is in the military area and the other is in the municipal center. Mr. Pei is getting old, and the supplies on this island are not sufficient. I think you should leave as soon as possible when the river is icy and easy to leave." Go somewhere else."

In Luo Xiaran's heart, she really hoped that Pei Zheng's abilities could be used by her. After all, mutant animals are very powerful, and have thick skin and thick flesh. With the existence of animal language abilities, she can communicate with mutant animals normally, even if she can't get help. , at least through trading so that the mutated animals don't take the initiative to attack them.

So when looking at Pei Zheng with puzzled eyes, Luo Xiaran explained carefully: "Mr. Pei's ability is very special, and King Kong and the others are also very special. After all, King Kong is more than two meters tall. It will still cause panic among ordinary people. If Mr. Pei doesn't mind, you can go with us."

"I need to discuss with King Kong and the others." Although Luo Xiaran didn't say it too clearly, Pei Zheng already understood what Luo Xiaran valued, and after frowning slightly, he didn't agree but was not in a hurry reject.After all, he is not alone, and he has to consider the survival of King Kong and the others.

 Scheduled release~ It's Monday, work hard and go to school~
(End of this chapter)

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