Chapter 265 Researchers
Talking and laughing along the way, at around 10:30 in the evening, the car finally arrived at the inn.As soon as he got out of the car, Juncheng, who was notified by the waiter, had already arrived at the door. He wanted to say something, but after seeing Pei Zheng and King Kong waiting, he fell silent for a while.

"Mr. Pei, this is my shop. Look what you want for dinner today. You can tell Xiao Er directly. I will let someone prepare the room." Luo Xiaran knew that there must be something important in Juncheng Want to say, then led Pei Zheng to sit at the table and asked.

"Miss Luo, go get busy first, I have nothing to do here." Pei Zheng naturally understood, and after sitting down obediently with King Kong, he said with a smile.

"Well, the menu is hanging on the wall. Old Mr. Pei has a look at it. I'll go up first. Don't be shy about what you want to eat. King Kong has already paid the bill before." Luo Xiaran signaled the waiter to serve the tea while Said.

Luo Xiaran walked upstairs quickly after the waiter served Pei Zheng.While walking, he was still using psychic powers, and when he found that the previous pedestrian was not in the inn, he couldn't help but pursed his lips slightly.

"Master, Master Xiao has sent a message that he has found a group of scientific researchers and wants to build a laboratory, and asks for your opinion." Standing beside Jun Lie, Jun Cheng asked in a low voice.

Although Jun Lie also carries a communicator with him, unless there are special circumstances, the message transmission under normal circumstances is still in the hands of Jun Cheng.After all, Juncheng is Junlie's steward. Before the apocalypse, he was in charge of Junlie's basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation, and industrial resources. After the apocalypse, of course, he would not just be a mere spatial ability user.

"Oh? Scientific researchers, what are they researching specifically?" Because Luo Xiaran mentioned the power generation with crystal nuclei or the energy weapons made with crystal nuclei developed by the security base in Kyoto, Jun Lie was shocked when he heard the scientific research staff at first. He couldn't help but wonder if he could research what Luo Xiaran wanted before the capital.

Although they have no shortage of weapons and supplies now, it is still inconvenient without electricity.What's more, there is no way to produce guns and ammunition now. If the crystal nuclear energy weapon can be researched and replaced, it can also reduce a lot of trouble.

No matter how powerful the ability is, it will always run out.If there is no ability and there are not enough weapons, no matter how powerful a person is, there will be times of perishing.

Jun Lie knows how big and attractive Luo Xiaran's inn is, so for Luo Xiaran's safety, and to give Luo Xiaran a space to live freely and unscrupulously, he naturally needs to do his best Make yourself and your power stronger.

Before Juncheng could reply, Luo Xiaran knocked on the door and walked in.Although she heard it clearly with her psychic powers, Luo Xiaran didn't interrupt rashly and just waited for Juncheng's answer.

"It's about biopharmaceuticals." Juncheng will naturally pay attention to the issues that Junlie can consider, so as early as the news from Xiao Zhenyan's side, Juncheng has already inquired carefully.

"Biological medicine?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned slightly.Even though he knew that the crystal nucleus energy weapon and crystal nucleus power generation device could not be developed by ordinary people, Jun Lie was still a little disappointed when he heard that it was a researcher in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

Is it true that we can only exchange those things from Kyoto?But Jun Lie knew very well that under the current circumstances, if Jingdu really got hold of these things, it would be absolutely impossible to take them out casually.

 Timely release~ It's annoying recently, I hate people who are overwhelmed!
(End of this chapter)

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