Chapter 280 Let's Talk
"Excuse me, we're here for the underground things." After Jun Lie looked at the man without a trace, he nodded and said, just by meeting him, he knew that the man in front of him was the leader of the survivors.

"Hehe, I was joking. There is nothing underground. There are some leftovers in the supermarket. If necessary, I can share some with you." Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in the man's eyes, but he quickly changed the subject with a haha.

"Since we've come, we naturally don't plan to return empty-handed. Anyway, you won't be able to use the things you keep, so you might as well give them to those who need them more. Of course, we won't just take things for nothing." Jun Lie naturally He understood that the other party would not be able to hand over the machine so easily, but this thing was what Luo Xiaran needed, so he would be polite before fighting.

This is also because of Luo Xiaran's presence. If Luo Xiaran was not present, Jun Lie would probably have turned around to get the things when the other party refused.After all, these machines are probably not used by the people above them, and when they think about it, they may not be willing to use human hands to fetch them.

Seeing Jun Lie's resolute attitude, the man was silent for a moment, and then said: "In this case, let's come in and talk." Although those things belong to the country, who cares so much now, let alone there are hundreds of people upstairs With a mouth waiting to eat, guarding those useless machines is indeed more useful than changing to something to eat.

The other party let go, and Jun Lie stopped pressing, and led everyone into the supermarket, but left most of the members downstairs, and only took Luo Xiaran and ten others to the dining and entertainment upstairs. to the city.

Perhaps it was because the people upstairs had been paying attention to the movement downstairs, so when Luo Xiaran and the others set foot in the dining and entertainment city, observation and vigilance came from all directions.

At this time, the tables and chairs in the dining and entertainment city had been moved to the corner, and three or five stoves were placed on the open space, with some wood burning inside, and it looked like some wooden furniture.

Although the survivors guarded the supermarket so as not to starve, it was impossible for everyone to have enough to eat, so when they saw Luo Xiaran and the others wearing clean clothes and looking very clean, the crowd couldn't help but sigh. There were whispers, and the gazes at Luo Xiaran and the others also became fiery.

"I'm sorry, please sit down, everyone." After the tables and chairs were delivered, the man gestured to let the people around him leave, and then said to Luo Xiaran and the others with a smile.

If it wasn't for the fact that Luo Xiaran and the others were wearing clean clothes and their faces were healthy as usual, it would be impossible for a man to invite someone into his territory so easily.After all, even if only ten people came up, none of them looked like ordinary people.

"My name is Qi Jiaqing. I haven't asked Mr. Gao's name and where he is from." Qi Jiaqing brought some boiled water to Luo Xiaran and the others with a sad face, and then asked.

"Jun Lie, we just came from H City." Jun Lie took the water glass, but didn't intend to drink it.Leaving aside the fact that the water cup filled with water was full of cracks, as long as the water came from, Jun Lie naturally wouldn't drink it.

"City H? How's the situation over there? We've been guarding here, and we don't know what other places are like." Qi Jiaqing looked at Jun Lie with a little excitement. If it wasn't for bringing other survivors, Qi Jiaqing would have Leading the team may not be impossible to leave City C.

"Two survivor bases have been established in City H, with a population of 10,000+, which is not bad." Jun Lie said a few words briefly, and then asked, "I don't know what Mr. Qi plans to replace those machines with."

 Timely release ~ stomach ache ~
(End of this chapter)

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