Chapter 300 Fluffy Grass
"It's really impossible to be careful. In this last world, a little negligence may result in your life being lost." Luo Xiaran sighed, and began to use wood-type abilities to sort out the wild vegetables that had been picked before.

As far as the eye can see, there are a lot of wild vegetables piled up on the ground, most of which are crispy mother-in-law.Popoding is also dandelion. Although it tastes slightly bitter, it is very delicious when dipped in sauce, and it clears heat and relieves heat. It is one of the most popular wild vegetables.

The rest are broom vegetables, gray vegetables, etc. Broom vegetables can be eaten steamed with noodles, and gray vegetables are very delicious when used to cook noodles. In the end, there are some that Luo Xiaran can't name, but since Juncheng Pick Come on, it should be edible.

It is actually not a troublesome thing to sort out the toxins in wild vegetables, but it needs to be done patiently, from beginning to end, if you are a little negligent, it will probably cause poisoning.

It took more than half an hour to process the wild vegetables, and then someone brought them to Dong Qing.Because she discovered the mutated grass just now, Luo Xiaran felt that she should also go to the field for a while. After all, no one is more familiar with plants that may mutate than she, a wood-type supernatural being, right?
First, I took a look at the team members who had recovered their sanity. Although their faces were still pale, after the blood transfusion, as long as they had a good rest and replenished their bodies, no physical harm would be caused.

And when Jun Lie saw that Luo Xiaran was going to the fields, he naturally wouldn't be idle, and followed closely behind Luo Xiaran, holding Luo Xiaran's right hand. Go down with an umbrella.

The mutated animals such as Heishan were chasing after the two of them. Before that, they stayed on the road quietly because of Luo Xiaran's restraint, but now that Luo Xiaran was going down, they also wanted to go there to play.

Tightening her trousers and stepping across the ridge, Luo Xiaran could clearly feel the active wood energy in the field.After releasing a little bit of his own wood-type ability, he felt the specific location of the mutated plants.

The nearest mutated plant to Luo Xiaran was about three meters away, hidden in a large area of ​​weeds. If it weren't for the mutual echo of wood energy, Luo Xiaran would have been hard to find.

The initial mutated plants are very weak, and if they are far away, they will not be attacked by mutated plants.The previous team member may have stepped on Xiaocao, that's why Xiaocao targeted him.

Because there were hunting dogs such as Junlie and Heishan, Luo Xiaran didn't dare to be careless. After all, even if he was weak, he could still be lethal.If it's not blood-sucking but toxins, wouldn't it be troublesome?

He has been releasing wood-type abilities all over his body, and then carefully touches the nearest plants.I saw that this is a mutant plant that looks very similar to the mutant grass, but there is a layer of fluff on its leaves. Luo Xiaran tentatively touched it, and then felt itchy when touching the fluff. .

Well, it looks like this is the mutant plant I know.Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and thought in her heart, while quickly rinsing with clean water.After cooling off, the itching disappeared.

Since Luo Xiaran was a wood-type supernatural being in her previous life, although the supernatural ability was low, Wu Yan'an would still find mutant plants for her in order to trick Luo Xiaran.And the mutated plant in front of him was one that Luo Xiaran had in her previous life.

In fact, it was not of much use, but Luo Xiaran signed the contract because Wu Yan'an gave it to him at the time.But this time, Luo Xiaran naturally wouldn't want it anymore.

 Scheduled release ~ today's third update ~ come and subscribe ~
(End of this chapter)

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