Chapter 418 The Stone of Love
Because she likes jewelry, Luo Xiaran naturally knows about rubies.This kind of gemstone shining with dazzling luster like fire is known as the "stone of love", which symbolizes the passion like fire, the beauty, eternity and steadfastness of love.

Moreover, Jun Lie's ability is also of the fire element, so Jun Lie used rubies to make this wedding ring for Luo Xiaran, which can be regarded as showing his ownership of Luo Xiaran everywhere.

There was a slight starlight in Luo Xiaran's eyes, and then she raised her hand to take the bouquet of roses in Jun Lie's hand, and let Jun Lie put the ruby ​​ring on her ring finger without saying a word.

It wasn't that Luo Xiaran didn't want to speak, but that she was afraid that if she spoke, her choked voice would be exposed, so she just looked at Jun Lie intently with a smile on her face, and looked at the pious him seriously.

"Papa papa" applause sounded, and Luo Xiaran looked up, only to find that many members of the Lieyan Mercenary Group had gathered outside the inn.Meanwhile, Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui were hugging and standing behind Luo Xiaran, emotionally agitated.

After carefully putting on the ring for Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie got up and hugged Luo Xiaran into his arms, bowed his head and kissed Luo Xiaran's red lips, rubbing them carefully, his heart was extremely excited.

After a long time, Jun Lie let go of the unsteady Luo Xiaran, and whispered in her ear: "I will give you a perfect and grand wedding, and let everyone know that you are mine."

"Okay." Luo Xiaran buried her head on Jun Lie's shoulder and responded softly.Although she doesn't need any grand wedding, if Jun Lie is willing to prepare, Luo Xiaran will naturally not refuse.

"Okay, okay, don't stand outside, come in." Luo Zhaoxian saw that the two had been embracing each other. Although he agreed to their marriage, it didn't mean that he would watch Luo Xiaran in front of the public. Xia and Junlie get tired of being together.

After urging him to bring him back to the inn, the cook, waiter and others began to bring breakfast to the table one after another.Because of the happiness of the host, the breakfast is very rich, and there are more than a dozen kinds for everyone to choose from.

However, because many people from the Lieyan mercenary group also came, there were not enough dining tables in the inn lobby.Some team members congratulated Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie after receiving breakfast from the cook and waiter, and then walked to the station while eating.

This unique group of people attracted the attention of many survivors in the safe zone. When they found out that it was Jun Lie who successfully proposed to Luo Xiaran, everyone had different thoughts in their hearts.

If you want to get along well, you will naturally start thinking about what kind of congratulatory gifts you should prepare in the last days, and if you are unwilling, you will think about how to destroy the relationship between two people.But no matter what, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran couldn't care so much at this time.

After putting the two tables together, Jun Yi and the others also sat at the table with Luo Zhaoxian's family and had breakfast.Luo Xiaran ate one bite after another, and finally couldn't help but asked Jun Lie in a low voice: "Where did the roses come from?"

Luo Xiaran was moved by Jun Lie's sudden romantic proposal, but more attention was paid to the roses.Although Luo Xiaran could also use the system to grow roses, she never gave Jun Lie any seeds.

"I asked Chu Jiang to help spawn it. The seeds were dug out by Juncheng from the flower room of the old house." Jun Lie looked at Luo Xiaran who suddenly became confused, and said with a smile.

 Regular release~ The implication of ruby ​​is to find it from Du Niang~ I am so poor, I don’t know about these~
(End of this chapter)

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