Chapter 420 Buses and Trucks

After receiving Luo Xiaran's confession, Jun Lie felt much happier.Every day there is a smile on his face, which makes everyone in the safety zone feel very uncomfortable.

After all, Jun Lie has always been ruthless in the eyes of outsiders. It is no wonder that everyone feels very uncomfortable with such a sudden change.

However, only those who are close to him hope that Jun Lie's good mood will continue like this. For so many years, this is probably the happiest time for Jun Lie, so they all hope that Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran can walk safely and steadily. lifetime.

On the second day after the marriage proposal, Luo Xiaran saw five coaches and military trucks in the camp of the Lieyan Mercenary Group.These vehicles have been modified, at least they can withstand the blow of the red-eyed zombies.

This trip will bring more than 1000 people, and the previous military jeeps naturally cannot sit down.Because Luo Xiaran mentioned that he wanted a long-distance bus when he came back from City H, Jun Lie asked someone to get a few back at the bus station.

However, what Jun Lie wanted to find more was the RV. Unfortunately, the RVs in the safety zone were all owned by owners. Because it was convenient to go out, even if they exchanged materials and crystal cores, the other party did not want to let go.

No matter how much Jun Lie wanted to, he couldn't do something like robbing, so he could only take a few long-distance buses to make do with it.Fortunately, the refitted long-distance bus also vaguely has the meaning of a caravan, with some compartments inside, each car can accommodate 60 to [-] people, and there is a loose aisle.

And for the sake of convenience, a kitchen and washroom are specially set up in each car, but they are a little small, and only one person can go in to work.But when you are on the road, it is good to be able to take out a person to cook.

Nearly [-] people lived in the five coaches, all of whom were ordinary people without supernatural powers.After all, the body of a person without abilities cannot compare to a person with enhanced abilities. If there is an attack, it is still very dangerous.

The rest of the people got on the military truck.Although it is not as comfortable as in a long-distance bus, they are not really traveling, so how can they count so much.

In addition to this, he also followed the 15-member team of the three brothers of the Zhao family.But they were in their own car, and Luo Xiaran just added some fuel for them, after all, they needed to lead the way.

Previously, the three brothers of the Zhao family successfully joined the Lieyan Mercenary Corps by virtue of their hard-hitting skills, and became members of the Mercenary Corps, and their family members also moved to live in District [-].

However, other people are not qualified to join the Lieyan Mercenary Group, so after thinking about it, the three brothers of the Zhao family decided not to form a team with the Lieyan Mercenary Group for the time being, until the rest of the members are qualified or able to join the Lieyan Mercenary Group At that time, they officially returned to the team.

Since the Lieyan mercenary group has a large number of people, they really don't care about the existence of the three brothers of the Zhao family.So when they brought it up, Qi Zichun, who was in charge of the mercenary group, nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, Luo Xiaran also replenished the system backpack in the inn.After all, they are going out. If there is a team of survivors that happens to meet, they can also exchange supplies, right?
A group of more than 1000 people drove out of the safe zone, and the rumbling sound attracted the attention of many survivors.Because there was no news before, many caring people could not bear to be smart enough to follow up...

 Scheduled release~ Today is Thursday?I can't remember if I put it in the manuscript box~
(End of this chapter)

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