Chapter 422 Villa Area

Parking the car on the side of the road, he gave pineapples to the vehicles behind one by one. Seeing everyone's happy faces, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but feel much better.

The convoy also stopped, not in a hurry.After all, the safe zone is very stable, and Luo Xiaran doesn't think that someone can kill or take the mutated plants in the pond for his own use so quickly, so why worry?

And a group of people following Luo Xiaran's convoy, seeing Luo Xiaran's convoy stop at first, thought they had exposed their target, and carefully hid them.Little did they know, from the very beginning, Luo Xiaran and the others had already noticed their existence.

After all, don't forget that among the people brought out by Luo Xiaran, there are a large number of physically strengthened supernatural beings. Even through the rearview mirror, the supernatural beings with enhanced eyesight can detect the existence of these little tails.

Although ten pineapples per car is not too much, but Luo Xiaran just wanted everyone to try something new together, rather than let everyone have a full meal, so it didn't take long for the team to set off again.

Because of the large number of people, the speed on the way to Rooster Mountain was much faster than that of the three brothers of the Zhao family.It took less than two hours for the vehicle to reach the periphery of Rooster Mountain.

"Boss, I remember that there seems to be a villa area built here, do you want to take a look around?" The motorcade, led by the three brothers of the Zhao family, walked towards the place where they encountered the mutated plants. At this time, a man's voice came from came out on the intercom.

"Villa area? Has anyone bought a house there?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned and asked.Because it was not a big deal, and Jun's family basically lived near the old house, it was the first time Jun Lie heard about the villa area on the Rooster Mountain.

"It was developed by the Wu family and the Xu family, so several big families in S City have received the house. The taxis here are for the elderly to use for vacation and leisure, and our family also has one. When I received it before, the steward Jun threw it away Give it to us." The man explained.

There are also pheasants and hares in Rooster Mountain, and there are racetracks and shooting ranges nearby. There is such a villa, and occasionally they will come here in groups to play and relax.

However, because Jun Lie has no interest in men and women, he doesn't even have a hobby, and he is relatively busy, so naturally no one mentioned it to Jun Lie.

"Really, what's in the villa?" Hearing what the man said, Jun Lie knew that there must be something in the villa that he gave to his family, otherwise the man wouldn't mention it at this time.

"Hey, I was playing in the mountains before and brought some weapons. The most important thing is that there is an air-raid shelter here. I heard that the Qiu family is going to it. The Qiu family has been competing with us for business. I think there must be some weapons in the air-raid shelter." Good thing. I met Qiu Mouse and lived here before." The man smiled and said flatteringly.

Although Jun Lie was dealing in arms in private, he forbade his family members to bring arms to places that were not for trading.After all, arms are very dangerous. If they do something impulsively with them, or are targeted by someone with a heart, then the Jun family will also be in trouble.

After all, not everyone knew about the private transactions between Jun Lie and his superiors.What's more, if someone picks up such an illegal thing, it is naturally impossible to be covered by others, but will be the first to be pushed out to top the tank, and even implicate the entire Jun family.

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(End of this chapter)

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