Chapter 426 Two Methods
Putting away the tentacles of the bitter grass again, Luo Xiaran carefully stroked the bracelet coiled by the blood-sucking grass, and made up her mind.Because of Luo Xiaran's wood-type ability, the blood-sucking grass has gradually grown up, and it is not suitable to wear it on the finger now, so it is green in color and very beautiful as a bracelet.

After walking out of the house, I found a few tentacles of bitter grass lying on the concrete floor of the yard.Luo Xiaran put it away politely, and then walked out of the yard.

The battle site has been moved from the yard to the road outside, and at least a dozen bitter grasses are persistently attacking everyone.Fortunately, everyone is used to cooperating, so bitter grass is still at a disadvantage.

Jun Lie, who obtained the tentacles for Luo Xiaran, did not continue to attack the tentacles.Don't forget, there is another purpose of their trip this time, which is to train the newly brought out manpower.

Although before the apocalypse they may have been elite talents from all walks of life, but now it is the apocalypse, only the value of force is the most reliable.Although they also brought out supernatural beings, more of them are ordinary people in the team, so it is better to step up training.

"It's bitter grass. The mucus won't slip off. It can be used as an offensive weapon, but I don't know if it can be subdued." Luo Xiaran came to Jun Lie's side and said.

If it's just the leaves that were cut off just now, they can indeed be used as weapons.And because the slime can also be used for repair, it should be more durable than the wicker of the mutant willow tree.

After all, let alone the level of the mutated willow tree itself, it is not as high as this mutated bitter grass, even the characteristics of the mutated bitter grass are much stronger than the mutated willow.So the next question is how Luo Xiaran can subdue this mutated weed.

There are two ways to successfully make a contract with a mutated plant. One is to surrender by force, defeating the mutated bitter grass and accepting her as the master.But in this case, it is possible to damage the root of the mutated bitter grass and reduce the ability of the mutated bitter grass.

The second method is to lure the mutated bitter grass to recognize itself as its master.The mutated plants that identify themselves as masters have a high degree of compatibility with the contractors, and because they are not injured, they will not affect the abilities of the mutated plants themselves.

Therefore, in most cases, the wood-type supernatural power user chooses the second method first.However, mutated plants, like human beings, are very stubborn, and when forced to do so, they can only use force to subdue them.

"Fix this wave of attacks first, and then I will accompany you to the pond to try." Jun Lie nodded upon hearing this, since Luo Xiaran could use it, Jun Lie would not be polite.

Fortunately, the body of the mutated bitter grass is not too much. After subduing it, it is enough to let the mutated bitter grass give up these tentacles on its body.Of course, Luo Xiaran will use the energy of the wood system to replenish the loss of the mutated bitter grass.

Moreover, the tentacles abandoned by the mutated bitter grass can also be used as Luo Xiaran's weapon, which is equivalent to Luo Xiaran's ability to carry an arsenal with him, and he no longer has to worry about not having a weapon at hand after the whip is damaged.

Although the idea is very good, the premise is to wait until the mutated bitter grass is subdued.Because Luo Xiaran wanted to mutate the bitter grass, Jun Lie joined the battle again.After a flash of the Tang Dao shining with golden light, all the mutated bitter grass tentacles lay down on the road...

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(End of this chapter)

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