Chapter 431 Mutated Weeds
"But now these families are relying on the supplies of your inn to survive, so there is nothing to pay attention to. Besides, everything is up to me, so don't think too much. If you think too much, you will get a headache." Jun Lie did not I hope Luo Xiaran will pay too much attention to those insignificant people, rubbing Luo Xiaran's long hair and saying.

The reason why the Jun family can develop so quickly in Anping District is thanks to Luo Xiaran's help.Of course other families are not as lucky as the Jun family, so even if the foundation is not damaged, they dare not think about the Jun family for at least three to five years.

However, what Jun Lie cared more about were the young talents of the major families and his generation. If Luo Xiaran was noticed by them or noticed them, then Jun Lie would absolutely not allow it.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, forget it." In fact, Luo Xiaran was just a little curious, but since Jun Lie refused, Luo Xiaran naturally didn't ask any more questions.Anyway, for her, all the survivors are her clients, but other than that, there is nothing to pay attention to.

Because of Jun Lie's series of safety measures before, Luo Xiaran's existence is now hidden, but whether it is the Lieyan mercenary group or the inn, they are all known, and this is enough.

Luo Xiaran is not someone who likes to show off, not to mention that Jun Lie did this to protect her, so Luo Xiaran readily accepted it.What's more, Jun Lie didn't have the freedom to restrict her, and wouldn't do things like Wu Yanan's to use her, and Luo Xiaran didn't care about it.

Someone was leading the way, and there were a lot of people in the team, so in less than an hour, the team was successfully delivered to the outside of the villa area.The outermost area is a huge racetrack, but unfortunately, it is covered with weeds at this time, and even the road is swallowed up.

"Boss, do you just press over the grass?" The voice of the leading man came from the walkie-talkie again, with a little enthusiasm.Because he had seen the attack of the mutated plants, he wanted to see what other means these mutated plants could attack.

"Well, let's go directly." Hearing this, Jun Lie picked up the walkie-talkie and said calmly.In fact, it can be determined that these mutated plants are definitely not ordinary, but so what?Jun Lie has nothing to fear at all, wouldn't it be enough to burn it all down?

With Jun Lie's permission, the leading car started again.A group of vehicles pressed onto the road covered with weeds one after another. I don't know if it was because the weeds damaged the ground, so it felt a little sunken when walking.

When the convoy was halfway there, the calm weeds suddenly sprang up and swept towards the convoy overwhelmingly.The dark green blanket-like mutated weeds completely engulfed the convoy.

The light outside the car window disappeared without a trace, and the weeds began to attack the car window.However, because the windows on the car were modified by gold-type supernatural beings, they were not shattered by the attack of the mutated weeds.

Luo Xiaran didn't expect that there would be so many mutated weeds on this grassland. After being slightly surprised, she didn't move at all.If such a situation requires her and Jun Lie to do it, what training is there to talk about.

While Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran were drinking tea leisurely, the rest of the team members started to fight back.Fireballs floated out of the car one by one, and in just one minute, the light appeared in the car again...

(End of this chapter)

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