Chapter 439

After breakfast, the people who had eaten and drank enough began to disperse to find the location of the air-raid shelter.It's just that because the villa area is relatively large and there are many mutated plants, it is not so easy to be discovered for a while.

And Luo Xiaran considered that the main purpose of this trip was to exercise everyone's abilities, so she didn't use psychic powers to help everyone find it.Anyway, they don't need to rush, just take their time.

Of course, when everyone was busy, Luo Xiaran was not idle.Following the route that everyone had searched, Luo Xiaran looked at the aggressive mutant plants that were left behind.

After all, most of the attack power of wood-type supernatural beings comes from mutated plants. Even if Luo Xiaran doesn't go back to control too many mutated plants, she still hopes to find more suitable ones.

Anyway, there is Chu Jiang, the wood-type supernatural being at home, isn't there?If you find the right ones, you can bring some back to Chu Jiang by the way.After all, Chu Jiang and Chu Xinrui are also related. Since neither Chu Xinrui nor Luo Zhaoxian refused Chu Jiang's approach, Luo Xiaran would naturally treat him as a family member.

What's more, Chu Jiang is now also a member of the Lieyan Mercenary Group.Improving Chu Jiang's combat effectiveness can also be regarded as improving the battle of Lieyan Mercenary Group, so Luo Xiaran will even find suitable mutant plants for Chu Jiang.

Moreover, Luo Xiaran now needs mutant plants that can turn back into seeds, so no matter how many mutant plant seeds you bring, when you need to attack, as long as you use the wood-type ability to spawn, it will be difficult for people to guard against.

It's a pity that such mutated plant seeds are hard to come by, not all mutated plants will produce seeds, right?After all, seeds and fruits need a lot of wood energy to grow.

And most of the time, seeds and fruits will take away the life of mutated plants, so seeking good fortune and avoiding harm is something every mutated plant or mutated animal understands.

Luo Xiaran spent the whole morning releasing wood energy and bending over to check.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't find the mutated plant seeds she wanted until she felt a little tired.

Hey, if you can't find it here, it's really hard to find it.Luo Xiaran sighed inwardly, thinking with emotion in her heart.After all, it is not just that there is enough wood energy in any place to cultivate many intelligent mutant plants.

I don't know where the mutant plant seeds of the wood-type supernatural being next to Wu Yan'an in his previous life came from.Luo Xiaran frowned, thinking of the mutated plant that was like a man-eating plant, she became slightly agitated.

But after thinking about it, it was already the fourth year after the end of the world when those wood-type supernatural beings used the mutated plant seeds.And now is the beginning of the second year after the end of the world, so Luo Xiaran quickly calmed down.

Due to the large area to be searched, the team that went out had no plans to come back for lunch at noon.And since the others didn't go back, Luo Xiaran chose a non-threatening place to stop for lunch.

When we were in the safe zone before, Dong Qing, a non-combatant, prepared a lot of boxed lunches. Of course, Luo Xiaran brought a lot when he came out, so he just counted a piece of chicken rice with mushrooms and ate it, and it was served with seaweed Egg soup and fruit platter.

A tablecloth was spread on the ground, surrounded by lush green grass, and occasionally birdsong could be heard, while eating and listening to songs, while admiring the mutated plants swaying around, Luo Xiaran relaxed as if on a spring outing...

(End of this chapter)

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