Chapter 459
What Xiaoxiao has been attacking is the snake's Qicun.The so-called seven inches is where the heart of the snake is located.Even for mutated animals, the heart is very important to them, although the animal nucleus of mutated animals is also in the brain like zombies.

However, because Xiaoxiao is smaller than the mutated green skinny snake, it can't be blocked by the mutated green skinny snake's ice ability even though it is jumping around and attacking Qicun.

And Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie have always been afraid of the mutated green thin snake, not to mention that behind the mutated green thin snake is the torso of a towering pine tree half as tall as a person, so even if Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie want to attack the mutant The seven inches of the green thin snake is not that simple.

It seems that the last blow can only be handed over to Xiao Xiao.After looking at each other with Jun Lie, the two thought in unison.However, they were the ones who assisted Xiaoxiao's attack before, so Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie only needed to draw enough hatred to prevent the mutated green thin snake from having time to go back and fight Xiaoxiao.

Just to avoid accidentally hurting Xiaoxiao, Luo Xiaran pinched the pine needles that had just been forced out of her body in her hand, and after reaching the other side, she used the pine needles to attack the mutated green skinny snake.

Luo Xiaran mainly aimed at the eyes of the mutated green thin snake. Of course, the snake letter of the mutated green thin snake is also important, but the snake letter is too small, and Luo Xiaran is not sure that she can accurately attack it.

And Jun Lie on the side also followed Luo Xiaran's rhythm and launched an attack on the mutated green thin snake. The silver steel nails were accompanied by dark green pine needles, and the harassed mutated green thin snake had no time to worry about Xiaoxiao.

After all, Luo Xiaran's own abilities are already at the peak of level six, and Jun Lie has also reached level five, so he is naturally more intimidating than Xiao Xiao.And from the perspective of the mutated green thin snake, it would be difficult for a little one like Xiaoxiao to break through its own external defenses.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie knew nothing about the idea of ​​mutating the green thin snake.The two assisted with a small attack, but it didn't work for a long time, and at this time their abilities had once again bottomed out.

The stalemate that could not be attacked for a long time made both the mutated green thin snake and Luo Xiaran a little emotionally unstable. One side was restrained and could not escape and was constantly harassed, while the other side was too exhausted and could no longer attack. What should we do?

Luo Xiaran didn't think letting go was a good choice. After all, there were more than 1000 of them in Rooster Mountain, and the mutated green thin snake didn't seem to give up so easily.

Just when Luo Xiaran was frowning, Jun Lie suddenly pulled out the pistol on Bie Zai's waist.Since there are not enough abilities to attack, wouldn't it be good to change to other weapons?
However, it was not a simple change of weapons. After Jun Lie reinforced the bullets with the last little bit of gold-type abilities, he launched another attack on the mutated green thin snake.

Maybe Jun Lie is too powerful and skilled, and Luo Xiaran has forgotten one thing, that is, before Jun Lie had no supernatural powers, he had already come and gone from the hail of bullets several times just by relying on his marksmanship and fist skills .

Luo Xiaran knew that her marksmanship was not as good as Jun Lie's. Seeing that the mutated green thin snake was repeatedly hit by Jun Lie's bullets, Luo Xiaran walked aside and took out the crystal core to restore its abilities.

After all, Jun Lie still has a lot of scars on his body. After the battle is completely over, he should be healed properly.What's more, the scars on Luo Xiaran's back should be recovered as soon as possible...

 Scheduled release~ Please support me~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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