Chapter 466 Standing in the way

After all the team returned, they had a lively barbecue meeting, ate part of the harvest of the trip, and then rested in place for two days before the team set off again.The goal this time is the riverside where Luo Xiaran wanted to go fishing last time.

From Rooster Mountain to the riverside, you need to cross the adjacent city.The urban area is full of broken walls and ruins, without the slightest trace of human habitation. The desolation makes people feel cold sweat on the back.

In most supermarkets in the urban area, the supplies have already been taken away.However, it should be because there is no spatial ability, so there are a lot of bottles and cans left, but most of them have expired or have rotted due to high temperature.

Because of the little wild dog, Luo Xiaran also found a pet shop on purpose.People in modern cities, although indifferent, like to keep cats and dogs, so pet shops are not rare, and they are very easy to find.

However, most of the canned food and milk powder in the pet store were taken away, and there were still a lot of dog food and pet toys left, so Luo Xiaran naturally packed them up without hesitation.

In addition, the convoy also went to the hospital.There were a lot of zombies in the hospital, and it took several hours just to clean up the zombies.The medicines and medical equipment in the hospital were also packed into the system backpack by Luo Xiaran.

Even if there are no professional medical staff in the safe zone now, there will always be in the future.These medicines and medical devices are currently non-renewable resources and need to be stored properly.

Of course, since he went to the hospital, the pharmacy will not be let go.Although most of the commonly used cold medicine and anti-inflammatory drugs were taken away by the survivors, there were a lot of miscellaneous medicines left, and even family planning supplies.

Although Luo Xiaran didn't need the family planning supplies at all, there were not a few men in the Lieyan mercenary group of Jun's family, and there would always be things that needed to be solved for their physical problems.Considering the chaos in the relationship between men and women in the post-apocalyptic world, for safety reasons, these things can also come in handy.

Otherwise, instead of dying in battle but contracting some disease and dying in bed, that might really be a lifetime of shame.Luo Xiaran couldn't help smiling, thinking in her heart.

It took the team five days to walk through the entire city.I have collected countless medicines, clothes, shoes and socks, and there are also umbrellas, toiletries, cosmetics, tableware and other items. Anyway, Luo Xiaran's system backpack is big enough, so as long as it is packed well, it won't take up much at all. place.

There will always be times when these things come in handy, if not, they can be taken out and sold in the inn to those who need them, so Luo Xiaran naturally scraped them all clean.

And because of Pei Zheng, Luo Xiaran finally heard the size of the small space from her small mouth.Although it is only as big as one room, it can still store a lot of supplies.

In this way, if the team travels in the future, counting Juncheng and Ke Nianyuan, they will have four spatial abilities.Compared with other teams who may not have a space ability user, they are already hundreds of times stronger.

Passing through the city smoothly, I thought I would reach the riverside soon, but the convoy of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie was blocked on the road.What blocked them was a group of mutated cattle and sheep, because the nearby villages all made their living from breeding...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ The codewords are quiet at night, only the sound of keyboard tapping~ Please give me some motivation for codewords~ Bookmark and recommend monthly pass subscriptions and throw them up~
(End of this chapter)

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