Chapter 469 Carpet Collection

Because the wind-type zombies had developed wisdom and could control ordinary zombies to siege, Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and his party raised their vigilance again.Although I had a faint feeling when the zombies were besieging the city before, it has been completely confirmed now.

Sure enough, to survive in the last days, there is no room for giving away a little bit.Luo Xiaran sighed in her heart and warned herself.Although he has experience in his previous life, after all, he has too little experience, and there are too many variables in the post-apocalyptic world, so those experiences are rarely useful now.

After the zombies were dealt with, he rested until nine o'clock in the morning the next day, and set off for the nearest village again after breakfast.Because he wanted to capture the mutated livestock, he didn't drive directly into the village this time, but walked forward.

As for the capture of mutated poultry, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie naturally didn't need to do it.The other team members formed a group of ten people and carried out a blanket search of the entire village. Not only did they not spare the mutated poultry, but they also brought out feed, corn grains, wheat bran and medicines used by livestock, etc., and handed them over to Luo Xiaran. keep it.

But thinking about it, if you really want to raise mutated poultry in the safe area in the future, these things are naturally indispensable, so Luo Xiaran simply took a container that was put away before, and these messy things can't be dispatched immediately Useful things are put in.

There are quite a lot of mutated livestock in the village, dozens of them were caught alive, and hundreds of them were accidentally killed. It can be said that they have gained a lot, and everyone has a satisfied smile on their faces.

In the next three villages, the team is still searching in a carpet style, and any useful materials will be packed and sent to Luo Xiaran.In the end, it took two days to harvest nearly [-] mutated poultry, and the team continued to set off for the direction of the river.

After leaving a few farming villages for a living, the road was calm and calm, occasionally encountering Xiaobo's zombies, naturally they were easily dealt with by everyone.The only thing that made Luo Xiaran dissatisfied was that she didn't meet any survivors along the way, so she didn't make any deals and wasted all the time.

Fortunately, the crystal nuclei harvested from killing zombies on the road were sent to Luo Xiaran by the team members, which made Luo Xiaran happy a little bit.Even if she doesn't covet the crystal nuclei of the team members, just holding it in her hand and feeling enough energy is enough to make people happy, isn't it?

After passing through the village, the distance to the river was even closer. It only took half a day, and not long after night fell, the convoy arrived at the river smoothly.

The other side of the river is naturally another city. Although the bridge on the river is intact, Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others have no intention of crossing the river, so they no longer pay attention to the situation of the opposite city.

Now the trading range of the Lieyan Mercenary Group has radiated to several cities around City S. Although Luo Xiaran has enough supplies, Jun Lie does not intend to continue to expand the trading range without sufficient manpower guarantee.

There are people out there, and there are people out there, and no one knows if there will be more powerful supernatural beings or mercenary teams in other provinces and cities. To be on the safe side, we must first firmly control this three-acre land After that, we can think about other issues...

 Scheduled release~ It's cold and freezing, I just want to curl up in the bed every day and don't want to get up, my finger hurts when I write~
(End of this chapter)

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