Chapter 477 Not at the Inn
Although there were several waves of zombie attacks on the way back, he finally returned to the safe zone safely.It may be because the weather is getting hotter, so the number of hunting teams has decreased a lot.

However, compared to other lifeless safe zones, the safe zone in Anping District is already very good.Although there are still some disheveled people, at least there will be no more starvation and thirst.

Because of Luo Xiaran's advance warning, even in the periphery where lonely and widowed old people gather, at least there will be no situations such as changing children to eat or robbing.After all, in the safe zone, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is still something to eat.

For example, in the sanitation of the streets in the safe zone, there will be old people responsible for cleaning every certain distance. Each old person can get two contribution points every day, which is enough to support the daily consumption of food and drinking water.

And even ordinary people without superpowers can still get contribution points by going out in teams to hunt, or defending the city and patrolling in shifts. Although it won't be a big fish, it can at least fill their stomachs.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire safe zone must be clean. There are occasional cases of private or skin business, etc., but at least it is hundreds of times stronger than direct human trafficking in other safe zones. .

After all, whether it is a man or a woman, there will always be needs, and some people want to obtain food and drinking water in an easier way, and the safety zone can't stop it, can it?Individuals have their own way of life, and they should not dictate the way of life of others.

Back in the safe zone, the first one to arrive was naturally the inn.However, Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui were not in the inn at this time. According to the shopkeeper, Luo Zhaoxian and his wife were in the house rented by Cui Jiu and Ke Nianyuan.

Since Luo Xiaran raised the issue of building a school in the safety zone last time, Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui have found something to do, so they often go to Cui Jiu and Ke Nianyuan to give advice to those few The child picked up by Cui Jiu.

After all, the establishment of a school in the safe zone is not that simple, so the preliminary preparations still need to be sufficient.Moreover, regarding courses and other aspects, it is impossible to be the same as before the end of the world. After all, the most important thing in the end of the world is the ability to survive.

Although cultural teaching is also essential, due to the focus on cultivating survivability, cultural courses will naturally be reduced.What's more, the location of the school, specific arrangements, etc. are all problems, and it is impossible to say that it will be built in the short term.

Knowing that Jun Lie had arranged people to protect the safety of Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui, Luo Xiaran was not in a hurry and followed Jun Lie's convoy to the station of Lie Yan's mercenary group.

Due to the hot weather, the team of the Fierce Mercenary Corps has recently suspended its trade with survivor teams in surrounding cities.After all, to do business, we must also take care of the physical condition of the players, right?Without a strong body, how can we do better business?

And even if they don't go outside for trade, it doesn't mean that the members of the mercenary group will be idle.In addition to training in the morning and evening every day, a small team will be formed to patrol inside the safe zone to find more deficiencies and solve them as soon as possible.

After all, this is everyone's home, and everyone naturally hopes that this home can be perfect, where all survivors can find a safe place to live in the dangerous end of the world...

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(End of this chapter)

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