Chapter 480 Qiu Mouse
"Okay, Xia Ran." Seeing Luo Xia Ran like this, Xiao Zhenyan actually didn't like to care about little girls.It was just because she was too worried about Jun Lie before, but now that they are engaged, Xiao Zhenyan doesn't want the stalemate between the two to continue.

Hearing that Xiao Zhenyan and Luo Xiaran turned their fighting into friendship, Jun Lie was the happiest.Unable to hold back Luo Xiaran's hand under the table, Jun Lie smiled at Xiao Zhenyan.

Don't look at Xiao Zhenyan strictly speaking as Jun Lie's subordinate, but because Xiao Zhenyan is older than Jun Lie and has been giving advice to Jun Lie, Jun Lie has always treated Xiao Zhenyan like an older brother.But now that the two of them shook hands and made peace, Jun Lie didn't need to be caught in the middle, of course he was very happy.

Then everyone chatted about the recent changes outside the safe zone. Since the last zombie siege, the number of zombies around the safe zone has not decreased, which is enough to attract everyone's attention.

However, because the base of zombies is relatively large, although they are concerned, they are not worried.What's more, the survivors in the safe zone are all soldiers, and hunting zombies can be exchanged for supplies. Of course, everyone is killing with enthusiasm.There are really very few survivors who really stay in the safe zone because of fear.

"By the way, those people who followed out last time brought some survivors back, including the one from the Qiu family, who stayed in the safe zone for a few days, inquired about the situation in the safe zone, and then brought some people back It's gone." At the end, Xiao Zhenyan suddenly remembered the matter of Qiu Shushu and said.

Because Xiao Zhenyan didn't participate in the subsequent trip, he naturally didn't know about Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's subsequent calculations, as well as the matter of Qiu Mouse and the Qiu family's air-raid shelter.

"How is the situation of the Qiu family? Have you heard about it?" Jun Lie asked after knocking on the table with his fingers.

The Qiu family is not a peaceful family. The reason why the Qiu family did not move before the end of the world was that there was someone above the Qiu family, but now the person above can't care about it. Besides, it is still uncertain whether that person is still alive or not.You must know that the post-apocalyptic zombie virus will not infect you just because you are in a high position.

"The Qiu family has suffered heavy losses, and because Qiu Mouse has not gone back, it has already fallen apart. I thought Qiu Mouse had died in the end of the world, but I didn't expect to know where it was hidden." Xiao Zhenyan smiled, and then Said.

There is nothing more gratifying than letting the enemy wipe out without bloodshed. Xiao Zhenyan held back a lot of anger because of the people behind the Qiu family before the end of the world.

"Mouse Qiu has been hiding in the air-raid shelter, just over Rooster Mountain. We originally paid attention to the supplies in the air-raid shelter, but Mouse Qiu and his gang have been stranded there for more than a year, and there is probably nothing left." Jun Lie couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "I guess Qiu Mouse didn't have the ability to awaken, otherwise he wouldn't have been huddled in that place for a year."

"That's true. I arranged for manual testing. Qiu Mouse has no superpowers. However, the bodyguard who has always been loyal to Qiu Mouse has awakened the ability of wind, otherwise it would not be possible to protect Qiu Mouse for so long." Xiao Zhenyan nodded. He nodded and said.

Although he has always looked down on Qiu Shushu's secret stumbling and black hands, Xiao Zhenyan will not underestimate Qiu Shushu.After all, even Xiao Zhenyan, who counts as an exhaustive planner, has failed several times because of Qiu Mouse...

 Scheduled release~ My head hurts when I code words every day~ Please give me some motivation, let me pulsate back~ Hahahahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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