Chapter 485
When Luo Xiaran was almost ready, the travel personnel on Jun Lie's side were also almost arranged.This trip, the supernatural beings and ordinary people were separated in half, because they were going to travel far, so they brought a total of 2000 people.

In the safe zone, there are more than 2000 members of the Jun family's own team members left. Including the collection from the post-apocalyptic assessment, there are nearly [-] left, although compared with the total population of the safe zone, it is possible The gap is relatively large, but don't forget that the members of the Lieyan Mercenary Group are all good fighters.

What's more, apart from the members of the Lieyan mercenary group, a part of the team guarding the safe zone is also under Jun Lie's control, so if someone thinks that Jun Lie can make trouble after leading people away, it is estimated that there is no hope of success.

But Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan naturally wouldn't expose their personnel completely to everyone's eyes, would they?The cunning rabbit is still in the three caves. In order to survive better, such a small calculation is essential.

Just after everyone made full preparations, the major visiting forces began to arrive one after another in the evening two days later.In three days, tens of thousands of people came to the safety zone of Anping District.

For the sake of safety, all the visiting forces were directly arranged in the area where the Lie Yan Mercenary Group was located.Although it is not clear what the purpose of these people is, it is more reassuring to observe them under the nose.

Of course, it is impossible for all the tens of thousands of people who can meet Jun Lie, but only some of the leaders.It's just that when Jun Lie was receiving these leading figures, quite a few people were searching for something around the inn and in the trading hall.

Although she knew that this situation was inevitable, Luo Xiaran still felt a little worried.Don't forget, the possible purpose of these people is to ask others, isn't it?Being so restless, Luo Xiaran naturally talked to Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan about raising prices.

Since she is interested in investigating, she probably doesn't mind her reporting back one by one.After getting the consent of Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan, Luo Xiaran's mood instantly became much happier.

And at this moment, Leng Xi suddenly brought Master Diao to the inn quietly.At this time, Leng Xi could already walk slowly on crutches, but he looked much more energetic than sitting in a wheelchair before.

"Brother Leng is here, why didn't you notify in advance? I got a batch of mutated fish, shrimps and crabs before. It tastes good as a seafood feast. I'll ask someone to prepare some for Brother Leng." We walked into the second room facing the two of them. In the bedroom upstairs, Luo Xiaran said, "I also want to thank Brother Leng for the information he provided earlier, otherwise we wouldn't be able to come back in time."

"Just some fish and shrimp, I don't like crabs very much." Leng Xi smiled and said, "You are welcome, I am here this time to ask Ran Ran to treat me again, and the idea of ​​walking is It's getting more and more urgent, and it's becoming more and more unbearable."

"It's my fault too, I've been busy with my own affairs before. But don't worry, brother Leng, this time there will be better people to treat brother Leng. It must take one or two times for brother Leng to recover completely." Lu Tongtong After some experiments over there, it was found that the range of light-type supernatural powers can be treated very widely, and after Leng Xi's leg was treated by Luo Xiaran, and then Lu Tongtong took action, it must not take long for it to be intact.

 Scheduled release~ The dead of night is a good time for codewords, but unfortunately, the motivation is insufficient, and sleepiness is everywhere. Hey~ Please support me~
(End of this chapter)

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