Chapter 504

"Boss, it's a bit tricky and needs some time." The team member in charge of unlocking said after careful observation, clenched his fists.If this was before the end of the world, it would not be too difficult to open the lock, but now there is no electricity, the password cannot be activated, and breaking it violently will cause an explosion, so it is not easy to unlock.

However, this is not impossible, but the problem is that the zombies behind have already chased them into the zoo. If they fight, it may affect the unlocking process.

After all, as long as there is a little movement, an explosion is very likely to happen.And because the research institute is underground, and there is only one entrance, if it is smashed down by a stone, they can't dig another entrance here, can they?

"Take your time, and leave half of the staff outside to deal with the zombies and collect crystal nuclei." Hearing this, Jun Lie nodded, not urging any more.After all, sometimes the more anxious you are, the more difficult it is to get things done. It is safer to take it slowly.

Because more than 500 people "disguise" and sneaked into the Kyoto base, so the current team still has about 500 people, and then the 500 people were divided into two teams.

"When cleaning up the zombies, be careful not to get hurt, as long as you don't let them go." Jun Lie ordered everyone after counting the number of people.

While the outside team was in charge of cleaning up the zombies that had gathered, the team members in charge of unlocking began to unlock carefully.While everyone was busy, Luo Xiaran released her psychic abilities and wanted to check the situation in the underground laboratory.

It's a pity that for some reason, Luo Xiaran's psychic ability can only go down the elevator to the exit, but when he wants to check other places, he can't move forward.

Frowning, Luo Xiaran couldn't help thinking in her heart: Isn't that psychic power in the laboratory?But there is only such an exit in the laboratory, what is going on?
Although she couldn't come up with anything useful after thinking about it, Luo Xiaran could only put away her psychic abilities in the end.The mental abilities in the brains of mutated zombies have been spent a lot before, and if they continue to be consumed, they will probably become a burden to the team.

After waiting for about 10 to [-] minutes, the team member in charge of unlocking the lock sweated profusely and said to everyone, "Okay, but although the unlocking is completed, it's not convenient for so many people to go down, right?"

I saw a dark hole in the previously locked stairwell.And the coded lock, which was strictly guarded against, has become piece by piece at this time, and it can't be seen that it has been disassembled.

"Gold-type supernatural powers come out, and every fifteen people take the elevator, and the gold-type supernatural powers will use their powers to send people down." Jun Lie had already made up his mind, so he heard the doubts of the team members and started give command.

Don't forget, elevators are also metals, and as long as they are metals, there is no way to resist the manipulation of metal-type supernatural beings.However, the weight of the elevator plus the team members is not light. If you do this, the speed will be a bit slow.

But it's still safer than climbing down the cable, isn't it?After all, the elevator goes deep underground. If there is no protective 'shell', that is the most dangerous situation.

The first ones to go down were Jun Lie and other people with higher abilities, and when Jun Lie went down, of course Luo Xiaran would not watch from above.However, because Jun Lie's ability level is relatively high, 25 people went directly to this trip.

 At the end of the year, I bought a new claw machine and changed my phone number. Hey, there is nothing I can do to be harassed
(End of this chapter)

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