Chapter 517
After all, they live underground, and they don't know anything about the so-called Kyoto security base, not to mention the depth of the water in Kyoto, which they knew before the end of the world.Although they are all researchers who are not working hard, they can see some problems even if they have high IQ, even if they have low EQ.

It's just that they and Luo Xiaran's group met for the first time. Although they had some thoughts in their hearts, they would not make a hasty decision.It is a matter of life and death, and of course such a major matter must be carefully considered.

Luo Xiaran could see the excitement and hesitation among the survivors, so she stopped urging too much, and said with a slight smile: "I've been busy for a long time, and I'm a little hungry, why don't we chat after dinner? Today's time is too late." It's getting late, so I'll stay here for one night."

"Yes, yes, what the lady said. By the way, haven't you asked your two surnames yet?" Hearing this, the deputy director nodded and asked the woman beside him to go to the kitchen to prepare meals.

With Ping Minnan here, there is no shortage of food in the cafeteria, but in order to avoid provoking Ping Minnan one day, the source of food and drinking water was cut off, so the survivors are used to saving food and money, and now they are in the back kitchen. Instead, a lot of rice noodles have accumulated.

"My name is Luo Xiaran, and this is my fiancé, Junlie." After Luo Xiaran said her name, she stopped the woman before she left, then took out some cabbage and potatoes from the system backpack, and handed them to the woman , Said: "Presumably you haven't eaten green vegetables for a while, and not eating green vegetables is not good for your health."

"I'm really sorry to cost Ms. Luo." Seeing the fresh vegetables suddenly, even the deputy director was a little surprised, and then thanked him again and again.Although Ping Minnan's ability is very powerful, they haven't seen fresh vegetables or meat for more than a year.

"You're welcome, I have a wood-type ability, and I can still produce vegetables with seeds. By the way, the meat of animals is edible after mutation, but considering that everyone hasn't eaten meat for a long time, the stomach may not be able to bear it." , so I will make it for everyone to eat." Luo Xiaran waved her hand, and then motioned for several team members to help take the vegetables to the kitchen.

Because the logistics personnel also followed, it was of course impossible to hand over the task of cooking to the survivors of the underground research institute.It is imperative to be defensive. These researchers may have some kind of potion in their hands, and Luo Xiaran will not take risks.

After experiencing the time when someone put the flesh and blood of zombies in the water tank, Luo Xiaran learned to be cautious. She didn't want to lose her life because of it one day.

"It's okay to just sit, let me make tea for everyone." Luo Xiaran said, then took out the kettle from the system backpack, filled it with cold water, and handed it to Jun Lie to boil.

Knowing that Luo Xiaran was going to threaten with force and buy it with 'jujube', Jun Lie was naturally willing to help Luo Xiaran. He put his hands outside the iron pot of boiling water and cast the fire ability. In less than a minute, a pot of cold water boiled.In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the iron pot couldn't withstand the high temperature, Jun Lie could have done it in a shorter time.

After showing the space abilities, wood-type abilities, and water-type abilities, Luo Xiaran discovered something more in the eyes of the survivors looking at her.But Luo Xiaran didn't care, after all, as long as she was strong enough, no one could touch her, right?
 Regular release~Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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