Chapter 524
The atmosphere of silence spread in the bedroom of the RV, and before Jun Lie could respond, Luo Xiaran gradually lowered her eyes.She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she gave up with a sigh and continued to explain.

But Jun Lie watched Luo Xiaran's struggle helplessly, but couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Finally, taking advantage of Luo Xiaran's unpreparedness, he hugged her into his arms, and the burning kiss engulfed Luo Xiaran's mouth Finally, Jun Lie let go of Luo Xiaran's red lips until Luo Xiaran was about to pass out.

"Baby, I'm very happy that you finally revealed your heart to me. I don't really care that you have a secret, I just need your attitude. You have accepted my marriage proposal, and I am the most solid harbor behind you.

From the beginning, I made it clear that as long as it is what you want to do, I will support it unconditionally, and the only thing you need to do is to stay by my side, love me and accept my love for you.

I know that this is not the only thing you are hiding, such as everything you did to Wu Yanan.But so what?I just want you.Therefore, you can trust and rely on me more. "Jun Lie rubbed Luo Xiaran's cheek, and said affectionately in his eyes.

This is not the first time that Jun Lie called Luo Xiaran a baby, but Jun Lie's breath sprayed in Luo Xiaran's ears, but it made her feel numb all over her body.

While being moved by Jun Lie's deep affection for her, Luo Xiaran buried herself in Jun Lie's arms with a feeling of choking, and whispered softly: "Thank you, Jun Lie."

Like is light love, love is deep liking, deep love, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie who have been entangled and noisy for two years, at this moment, Luo Xiaran can be regarded as thoroughly grasping I gave my heart to Jun Lie.

After several decades and two lifetimes, Luo Xiaran finally got the right man who could rely on and support her.Wiping away the tears from his eyes on Jun Lie's clothes, Luo Xiaran brought her lips to her with hazy eyes, blending with Jun Lie's lips and teeth.

"Are you planning to build an inn here in the capital?" After a long time, Jun Lie suppressed the heat all over his body, tightly hugging the panting Luo Xiaran, and asked.If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Jun Lie really wanted to expose Luo Xiaran right away.

"Well, we have come so far, and we can't return without success. Although the capital is complicated, it is precisely because of this that there will be more demand. Besides, building an inn in Kyoto can also keep an eye on the situation in Kyoto. "After her breathing stabilized, Luo Xiaran leaned on Jun Lie's shoulder and said while stroking Jun Lie's slightly rough fingers.

It is not known how long the end times will last. Sooner or later, there will be a struggle for power and power in the major bases, and there may not be some people who want to 'stand on their own'.And the one most likely to "raise the pole" first is probably the Kyoto base.

"That's good. In this way, the group of people who entered the security base before don't need to be brought back to City S." The people who entered the Kyoto base in disguise are all talents who are good at lurking. It's not too difficult to come up with a name.What's more, he didn't let them seize power, but just stayed to listen to the news.

"The question is, how can we gain a foothold in the capital?" Luo Xiaran said, frowning.Someone will always attack the inn, and Luo Xiaran doesn't want to spend every day paying attention to the status of the Kyoto branch.

 Timely release~Like is light love, what is deep love~haha, I really like this sentence~
(End of this chapter)

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