Chapter 526 Thought Work
However, although the decision was made, Luo Xiaran did not rush to establish a branch of the inn.After all, the previous researchers planned to go to the Kyoto base, but now they suddenly changed their minds, so they can't be forced to stay, can they?

In the next few days, the team members who had infiltrated the Kyoto base after receiving Jun Lie's reply began to return one after another.Because the water in the Kyoto base is too deep, although it is easy to fish in troubled waters, it is not so simple to get out of the body.

Considering that the Kyoto base must be very concerned about the power-inducing potion in Ping Minnan's hands, for the sake of safety, it is of course impossible for them to take the initiative to send it to the Kyoto base.

As for this matter, when they woke up the next morning, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran told Mu Maode about the situation.Among the survivors in the underground research institute, Mu Maode is not only the oldest, the most experienced, but also has a higher status than the others, so a little disclosure will avoid causing panic among the survivors.

What's more, Mu Maode is a smart and wise old man. The purpose of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie telling him this in private is also to let him do ideological work for others first.

Even if the family members of these people did live within the boundaries of Kyoto before the end of the world, don’t forget that after the end of the world, the more crowded cities are, the fewer survivors there will be, not to mention the crowds and tramples in Kyoto. place.

If the family members of the lucky survivors are still living in the Kyoto base, the appearance of these researchers will only bring greater danger to the family members.

What if someone at the Kyoto base threatens their family?In order to achieve the goal, this is nothing in the last days.What's more, this kind of situation happened from time to time before the end of the world.After all, if the bad guys become bad, there is no bottom line.

Standing still in this empty land, Luo Xiaran certainly did not idle. In order to reassure the survivors, Luo Xiaran took Songsong and Xiaoxiao from time to time and began to produce vegetables.Even Luo Xiaran's healing ability was seen by Mu Maode and others without a trace.

And Mu Maode is indeed an old man with enough foresight. As Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie and his party became more and more unscrupulous and without concealment in front of Mu Maode and others, Mu Maode already understood that even if they wanted to After leaving, it is impossible for Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie to let them go far alive.

However, thinking of the ignorance of the situation in the Kyoto base, Mu Maode followed the wishes of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie to persuade other researchers who wanted to go to the Kyoto base.

It wasn't until the last most persistent researcher nodded and agreed to go to the security base in City S that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were completely at ease.After all, these researchers will be indispensable in the future, and it would not be a good thing if the quarrel is too rigid.

Of course, in order for these researchers to stay in S City with peace of mind, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also promised to help them find their families in private if they had the opportunity.Anyway, Luo Xiaran probably will stay here in Kyoto to arrange a branch of the inn. Besides, as long as there is food, no matter how big the base in Kyoto is, it won't be a needle in a haystack.

For those who care about their family members, Luo Xiaran still appreciates them very much. After all, only those who care about them will have bonds, and only those who have bonds will not betray.Although Luo Xiaran would not threaten these researchers with their family members, there must be a precautionary arrangement, right?

 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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