Chapter 529 Afternoon of the Eighth Day

After several trips to and from the four stores, Luo Xiaran's system backpack was filled with sufficient supplies and water sources, as were the cellars and granaries in the inn.Moreover, when Luo Xiaran went back to the main store, he specially added two more embroiderers to ensure that there would be enough winter clothes and quilts to trade with the survivors when winter came.

Because of the presence of two cooks, the breakfast was much richer than before.There was also jerky made of mutated livestock that Luo Xiaran brought from the main store, and prepared it for everyone.

Next, these people will need to go to the Kyoto base to spread the word about the existence of Youjian Inn. It will probably take some time, so it is natural to eat something good, who makes it more brain-intensive.

After finishing the sumptuous breakfast, they distributed the multi-grain steamed buns, pancakes, rice balls, and pickles made by the cook to everyone. After Luo Xiaran gave the task, everyone pretended to be themselves and left in groups.

In the end, Luo Xiaran was the only one left in the inn.Looking at the suddenly empty lobby, Luo Xiaran suddenly missed Jun Lielai, who had only been away for a day and a night.

Sighing slightly, Luo Xiaran cheered up.After all, it won't be long before we have to deal with various survivors and teams from the Kyoto base. If we are negligent, we will lose everything.

While arranging for the cook and others in the inn to continue making portable dry food or sun-dried vegetables, Luo Xiaran was thinking about some situations that might happen next.

Their arrival and going to the underground research institute were unknown to the Kyoto base.Moreover, there is no monitoring equipment now, and those who know the news have been taken to City S, so no one should notice anything in a short time.

But Luo Xiaran didn't think that the Kyoto base summoned teams of survivors from all over the world just for this one thing, and there might be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them ahead.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran still doesn't know anything now, and can only wait for the news from the hidden personnel who sneaked into the base.

The wait was long. During the first week, the outside of the inn was unusually quiet, with no survivors passing by.But think about it, the buildings and shops in this area have all been moved away, leaving only open space, which naturally has no value for inspection.

However, Luo Xiaran is not worried about waiting. After all, as the saying goes, "the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley", looking at the accommodation price list and material exchange price list posted on the walls on both sides of the inn lobby, although compared with S City The main store is a bit higher, but this is Kyoto, and Luo Xiaran doesn't think there will be no people who can afford it.

And on the afternoon of the eighth day, a dilapidated car appeared in the distance unsteadily, and finally stopped outside the entrance of the inn.A family of five got out of the car, standing outside the door with sallow and emaciated faces, hesitating.

Luo Xiaran, who was practicing supernatural powers in the room, came down from the third floor after being notified.When Luo Xiaran went downstairs, the family of five who hesitated for a long time finally stepped into the door of the inn with uneasy faces.

"Hello, I heard that gold can be exchanged for food here?" The middle-aged man who was the pillar looked at Luo Xiaran and asked cautiously.If it weren't for the fact that there was no other way, he wouldn't have brought his wife, children, and mother-in-law from the base in Kyoto to this barren place for the final struggle.

 Scheduled release~ Rolling around and selling cute for all kinds of support~ Working hard to save the manuscript~ Hope to solve this month's update volume a year ago~
(End of this chapter)

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