Chapter 542 Stalking
Looking at the little boy's big blinking eyes, Luo Xiaran looked at the tablet with only 30.00% battery left, then quit the game, nodded and handed it over: "Here you are."

It is no longer such a good thing to exchange a tablet computer that is about to die for a red crystal nucleus.However, considering that there were so many people on the other side, I was too embarrassed to go too far, and then I took a coin-sized candy and handed it over: "There is no way to ask you for money, so this candy is together."

"Hey? There's still sweets to eat, thank you pretty sister." The little boy happily thanked him, picked up the candy and put it in his mouth, then hopped back to the table with the tablet in hand.

After noticing the interaction between Luo Xiaran and the little boy, the other people looked at each other and became more vigilant about the existence of Luo Xiaran and the inn.Even they can hardly find sugar now.

A group of people rested for a while after eating, and after drinking a cup of tea, they got up to say goodbye to Luo Xiaran.Although I sat there for quite a while, it was a pity that I couldn't get any more useful information from Luo Xiaran.

But forget it, the purpose of that person arranging them to come is probably to let them come to have fun first.Thinking of this, a group of people patted their buttocks and left without any burden.

Watching the convoy make the sound of 'rumbling' again, Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes slightly, her mental strength sticking to the convoy and stretching all the way.It's a pity that the open space is too large, and Luo Xiaran's mental strength has reached its limit before the team can get out of the open space.

It's a pity that the convoy didn't have too many conversations along the way, and Luo Xiaran didn't even catch any clues cautiously.This is really not an easy group of children, Luo Xiaran sighed, but her mood was very relaxed.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, as long as there is a purposeful contact with her, sooner or later the fox's tail will be exposed, right?What Luo Xiaran needs most now is time.

Since the group of young men and women left, the inn has received business one after another.Some were introduced by Yuan Kai's team, and some were attracted by the messages spread by the players lurking in the safe zone to try their luck.

Although none of them were big customers, just a few fragments of crystal nuclei, Luo Xiaran would always greet them with a smile whenever there was business coming, and quietly inquired about the situation in the Kyoto base among these people.

A week after that, a team of Jun's family returned to the inn from the base in Kyoto.Because there are no space powers to follow, and the situation of the base in S city and the base in Kyoto is also very different, so this team looks a bit embarrassed on the outside.

"Welcome, are you going to stay or eat?" Luo Xiaran was not in a hurry to listen to the team's report, as if meeting everyone for the first time, she waited until they walked to the counter, put down dozens of crystal nuclei and said in a low voice .

Although there were no other customers in the lobby, Luo Xiaran did not dare to relax at all.In the past few days, she has been able to clearly 'see' an earth-type supernatural being stalking under the door of the inn.

Although she felt that there were earth-type supernatural beings who could come and go freely in the soil, what Luo Xiaran cared more about was what the other party meant.I don't know if it's the people behind those young men and women...

 Scheduled release~ Good pit, shopping malls open at 09:30, movie theaters open at 09:30, but the theaters are scheduled for 09:30, and there is only one show.I arrived at the shopping mall more than half an hour early in the morning, and I still took the stairs at the back to enter the cinema. It was pitch-black. After waiting for a while, the cinema didn't show up. After I picked up the tickets, there was already a show inside, and I was heartbroken.The entire theater is just me and my brother, reserved for 233333
(End of this chapter)

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