Chapter 546
It was only when Luo Xiaran went upstairs that she realized that the team had chosen a shared bunk. Dozens of elders lived in one room, which looked pitiful.

But Luo Xiaran didn't know that, compared to the situation in the Kyoto base, being able to have a room where one of them fell asleep, without having to suspect that the people around them would steal or do other things while they were asleep, was enough for him They were overwhelmed.

"Don't worry, I'll come up to ask something, and I'll go down later." Seeing that everyone hurriedly started to clean up the messy clothes in the room, Luo Xiaran waved her hand helplessly and said.

Fortunately, they had all washed and washed before, otherwise there would be more than just messy clothes in this room.Luo Xiaran smiled and thought in her heart.

"Did sister-in-law come up to ask about the situation in the Kyoto base?" After wiping the tables and chairs for Luo Xiaran to sit down, the leader of the team, an earth-type superhuman, asked standing beside Luo Xiaran.

"No, what I want to know are people named Tang Yuanjie and He Mo. They should be members of the local family in Kyoto, and they know Jun Lie, and even noticed Jun Lie's existence among you." Luo Xiaran shook her head. He shook his head and said.

The situation in the capital base really needs to be known, but now Luo Xiaran cares more about Tang Yuanjie and He Mo.She couldn't be sure whether these two people would bring danger to Jun Lie. Although they have no conflict of interest now, judging from the fact that He Mo knew of Jun Lie's existence so quickly, it is very likely that they will focus on the Jun family before the end of the world up.

"Tang Yuanjie and He Mo?" The earth-type supernatural being was surprised, and then said: "The Tang family is one of the five major families in Kyoto, and controls the garrisons around the capital. One of the people in power in the capital is the Tang family." A generation of Patriarchs."

"The situation of the Tang family is somewhat similar to that of the Jun family. In recent years, it may be because of the 'high achievements' that they have kept a low profile. The old man of the Tang family passed away before the end of the world, but the situation of this generation is better than that of the Jun family. Quite rich."

"After the apocalypse, the Tang family, which controlled the garrison, rose again, and even the Ministry of Political Affairs did not dare to act rashly. However, Tang Yuanjie's identity is a bit embarrassing. Before the apocalypse, he was the illegitimate son of the patriarch, and the patriarch already had two heirs."

"Later, the heirs of the patriarch passed away one after another, so Tang Yuanjie was brought up again. After the end of the world, Tang Yuanjie formed his own team, and often took people outside to collect supplies and hunt zombies. The relationship with the Tang family has always been neither cold nor cold. .”

"There is relatively little information about He Mo. We only know that he is Tang Yuanjie's friend. Tang Yuanjie is very conniving and trusts any Mo. Tang Yuanjie is in charge of fighting in the mercenary regiment, and He Mo is in charge of everything else."

"I remember that a few years ago, the Tang family paid close attention to the situation of the boss in private. Maybe someone in the family was targeted at that time, so it was discovered so quickly this time. This is our mistake, and we will ask the boss to receive punishment later. of."

For the latent personnel, their identities were discovered before the task was completed, which was the greatest insult to them.But they didn't expect that He Mo could still remember what happened a few years ago so clearly.

You must know that there should be a lot of changes in manpower after the end of the world. Unless He Mo always remembers them, he won't find them so quickly and know Jun Lie's whereabouts.

Fortunately, it is inconvenient to contact and travel now, otherwise, if He Mo and Tang Yuanjie have any plans for Jun Lie, they may cause harm to Jun Lie.

 Scheduled release~ It's a young year, and the year will come to an end in the blink of an eye, it's really fast~
(End of this chapter)

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