Chapter 548

Although the Tang family's status in the security base is not low, the problem is that Tang Yuanjie's status is rather embarrassing.Even if he was already an heir before the end of the world, he was still looked down upon in private.

And Tang Yuanjie is also stubborn, he himself has no interest in the great fortune of the Tang family.Before the apocalypse, the Tang family could still threaten his mother and friends, but after the apocalypse, his mother passed away early, and Tang Yuanjie didn't want to be restrained by the Tang family anymore.

The Tang family never regarded Tang Yuanjie as an heir at all from the beginning to the end, and the reason why they gave him the status of heir was just to reassure their superiors.After all, if an illegitimate child took the position of heir, the Tang family would be disgraced if it came out, wouldn't it?Only in this way can we better hide our strength and bide our time.

It's a pity that no matter how well the Tang family planned, the end of the world would completely ruin the Tang family's previous arrangements.Otherwise, according to the previous plan, as long as the person above is replaced by a candidate supported by the Tang family, then the Tang family naturally does not need to keep a low profile.

Tang Yuanjie was actually grateful to Doomsday. Her mother had been trapped by love all her life, and she was finally relieved when Doomsday came.After the end of the world, the Tang family was also in chaos for a while, which also made Tang Yuanjie fish in troubled waters with the help of He Mo.

Although He Mo had helped Tang Yuanjie a lot as Tang Yuanjie's friend, the Tang family before the apocalypse was a giant. No matter how clever He Mo was, it was impossible to shake the Tang family and rescue the bound Tang Yuanjie in just a few years.

Now that Tang Yuanjie and He Mo have absorbed enough manpower in the Kyoto base, as long as they leave the Kyoto base smoothly, it will be a scene where the sea is wide and the sky is high.

However, although people can leave the Kyoto base, there are also problems in terms of supplies and sites.And Luo Xiaran's sudden appearance could be regarded as He Mo's solution to a serious problem in his heart.

As long as there are enough supplies as support, He Mo believes that it will not take too long for them to find a suitable place to settle down.If the city hadn't been destroyed after the end of the world, and zombies were everywhere, He Mo wouldn't have to give up the land he had chosen before.

The appearance of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie was a surprise to He Mo.However, He Mo just planned to unite with Jun Lie before, but now after seeing Luo Xiaran's inn, He Mo thought of more.

I don't know what kind of good luck Jun Lie is. The Jun family has no heirs, not to mention the struggle without a successor. Even after Jun Lie was framed and expelled from the special forces, he was able to do arms sales with the support of the above. , Sure enough, the same people have different fates!

"How much food does Big Brother He need?" Luo Xiaran didn't care about He Mo's funny appearance, glanced at Tang Yuanjie who was beside him, and saw that he didn't care about He Mo's movement, so he asked.

The materials in Luo Xiaran's hands can be said to be as much as she wants, but it is impossible for her to disclose this matter to He Mo, right?Although there are wood-type abilities as a cover, it is not foolproof, and there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

"It's inconvenient to carry too much on the road. In this case, I'd like to ask for a ton first." He Moye said after thinking about it in order not to reveal the general members of his team.

If a heavy truck is used, one ton of grain is more than enough for one car.Fortunately, they drove a heavy truck specially for transporting materials and saved it. Now that I think about it, I am indeed a very far-sighted person.He Mo thought narcissistically.

 Timely release~No one reads the article~Happy~
(End of this chapter)

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