Chapter 555
"Treatment? Yes, bring someone here." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded without refusing.After all, the treatment has been disclosed before, so of course Luo Xiaran will not refuse the injured patients who come to the door.

He Mo and Tang Yuanjie remained silent until the wounds brought by Yuan Kai were treated by Luo Xiaran, and they exchanged the crystal nucleus and beast nucleus for a sum of food and left.

However, Luo Xiaran noticed that Shao Ming, who had been standing behind Tang Yuanjie before, did not follow this time.Was he left in the team, or was he injured?Luo Xiaran couldn't help but guess.

The atmosphere was a little surprised for a while, and after waiting for a long time, He Mo said: "I didn't expect Xia Ran to have healing abilities, which really surprised Brother He. How many secrets does Xia Ran have?"

"It's just a mutation of the wood-type ability." Luo Xiaran shook her head slightly, and had no intention of talking about the secret.

But thinking about it, He Mo didn't think that Luo Xiaran would answer, so he went on to say: "I wonder how Xia Ran prepared for the one ton of supplies mentioned earlier?"

"The supplies are ready, Brother He, will you take them away now?" Luo Xiaran saw the heavy truck parked outside the inn, and then took out the previously packed supplies from the system backpack, and said, "Everything is ready." Here it is, Brother He can take it away after he confirms that there is no problem."

"The previous crystal nucleus was consumed a lot due to this sudden incident. I wonder if we can extend it for a few days?" When the mutated bird attacked, Tang Yuanjie's team was bullied, and the team members were injured a lot. , if it is not enough to store the crystal nucleus, it is likely to suffer heavy losses.

It's just that things like unbelief still make He Mo feel a little uncomfortable.Thinking about his nearly 30 years of life, He Mo's eyes dimmed.Those who dare to plot against him will never end well.

But the most urgent thing now is to take people away from the base in Kyoto, otherwise the next or next time the calculations will only continue.Tang Yuanjie had already been regarded as a thorn in the side for not leaking his ability before, but this time he leaked his lightning ability in order to save people, and it will only be more dangerous in the future.

He Mo has only one person, even if he claims that Zhuge is reborn, he cannot guarantee the safety of everyone in the team.Just like this time, something went wrong.What's more, there are some young children in the team, He Mo worrying about them every day is already enough to worry about.

"Hey? That's it, it's ok. I wonder how many crystal nuclei Brother He still has?" Because Luo Xiaran already knew something about Tang Yuanjie and He Mo from Jun Lie, she also knew their heroes. Xiangxi, since this is the case, naturally he doesn't care about the issue of credit.

But it seems that since she started doing business, the big customers she met often needed credit at the beginning.Sure enough, after the end of the world, it is still a bit troublesome, but after thinking about it, they will get a lot of compensation from them, so Luo Xiaran doesn't care about this problem anymore.

"There is still a little more than 7. I will pay you [-] first, and I will try my best to deliver the remaining payment in half a month." Seeing that Luo Xiaran was relieved, He Mo felt relieved.As long as Luo Xiaran provides enough supplies, the next thing will be easier.

It's just that He Mo didn't expect Luo Xiaran to agree so easily, but He Mo didn't think that Luo Xiaran was the kind of fool who believed in people casually, and couldn't help guessing in his heart, maybe Jun Lie came back what?
 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ Thank you for your support~ Emma, ​​there are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, so happy~
(End of this chapter)

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