Chapter 560
Although the few children taken away by Tang Yuanjie were not valued by the family before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse, the population has withered, and the family blood is naturally not allowed to be let go.

What's more, these children all have supernatural powers. If they are well cultivated, they may not be able to support the family.It's a pity that their good calculations were interrupted by the disappearance of Tang Yuanjie and others.

"What is the old man talking about? I'm just an open door for business. I can control where the customers want to go after shopping?" Luo Xiaran smiled disdainfully at the old man's threat. .

After guessing that the old man in front of him was Tang Yuanjie's father, Luo Xiaran didn't like this kind of cheating man.What's more, Luo Xiaran became even more impatient when the old man seemed to be the kind of profit-oriented existence.

"You!" Hearing this, the old man slapped the table angrily.Just as he was about to tell the people around him to do something, he found a strong momentum suppressing them.And the old man was old and didn't even have supernatural powers. In just a few seconds, he was already sweating profusely.

"Old man, don't lose your temper when you are old, or it will be bad for your health." Luo Xiaran said with a smile on her face while coercing everyone with supernatural powers.

The person who wanted to wait for the deal didn't arrive, but such a proud old man came to the door, which really affected Luo Xiaran's mood.It wasn't until the old man's face turned pale that he was about to be out of breath that Luo Xiaran withdrew the coercion of the supernatural power, looked at the crowd with a sneer, and said again: "There is an inn that opens the door for serious business, not human trafficking. If you want to find someone, just turn around and go out, we won't welcome you."

"Miss, please don't get angry. My old man is a little worried because of the young master's disappearance, and he can't control his temper for a while. Please be considerate." The man who reminded the old man just now said again, He spoke with a guilty face, as if the old man was really a worried father for his child.

"Oh, it doesn't matter to me that this person disappeared. But seeing that you are quite old, I want to respect the old and love the young, and I don't have the same knowledge as you." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran curled her lips in disdain, and then said with.

If she hadn't known about Tang Yuanjie's situation before, she might really have believed the man's nonsense.But this man is also a talent, even if she has mental strength, she can't see that the man is lying when he says this.

"Miss, don't be angry. Since you have no news here, please trouble us to need some food. Here are a hundred crystal nuclei. Please look at and prepare some." The man apologized again, and then took out a hundred crystal nuclei .

Seeing that the man turned out to have a space ability, Luo Xiaran squinted her eyes slightly. It took nearly two years before she discovered another person with space abilities. She just didn't know how big this man's space was, so she followed the old man It's really a bit condescending.

"Seventy catties of miscellaneous grains or forty catties of rice and white flour, what do you need?" Luo Xiaran put away the anger on her face and put the crystal cores into the system backpack unceremoniously. Looking at the man provocatively, he said.

What about spatial abilities?Is it possible that only you have space?Luo Xiaran curled her mouth, noticed a sharp look in the man's eyes, and laughed silently.Sure enough, the one who can follow the old man is also a proud person. To be able to "condescend" to apologize twice is already the limit...

 Scheduled release~ The new book is an urban farm, with some supernatural powers~ The male protagonist has a special identity~
(End of this chapter)

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