Chapter 569 Entering the Base
When the team was ready, Luo Xiaran changed into some tattered clothes, sat in the middle of the team with a haggard face, and drove to the Kyoto base bit by bit.

The question of the identity card is actually the simplest question. It is still a breeze to get an identity card for Luo Xiaran who has He Mo staying in the base in Kyoto.

So after deciding to infiltrate the Kyoto base in person, Luo Xiaran asked someone to contact He Mo's staff at No. 147. When Luo Xiaran followed the team and gradually approached the entrance of the Kyoto base, someone quietly revealed his identity The card was delivered to Luo Xiaran's team.

The process only took a few seconds, and the vehicles didn't even stop, so even the garrison who was observing the outside world above the city gate couldn't find the slightest problem.

Fiddling with the ID card with her fingers, Luo Xiaran checked the disguise on her body for the last time, then sat safely in the car and watched the garrison verify the ID card, and finally entered the security base smoothly.

Since most of the team members hid the problem of their abilities, the group drove to stay in the outer city.Fortunately, there was drinking water and dry food prepared by Luo Xiaran, so after receiving the news from Luo Xiaran, they found a place for Luo Xiaran to stay.

When there was no Luo Xiaran before, the members of the team lived in the dormitories provided by the Kyoto base.The dormitory was full of fish and dragons, so it was naturally impossible for Luo Xiaran to live in it.

Even though Luo Xiaran turned out to be an ugly woman after disguise, she was still a woman, wasn't she?In the chaos of the last days, as long as they are women, they may encounter danger.

Don't forget that after the end of the world, women, children, and the elderly are inferior to men in terms of physical fitness, so in many cases, they are abandoned.This also led to the scarcity of female members in the security base, but men will always be in demand, right?
Luo Xiaran naturally knew about this situation.But now that her psychic abilities are stronger, she naturally won't worry about those prying eyes around her.Besides, although the place to stay is not big, it is impossible to be invaded easily, not to mention that there are dozens of players around, and they are not just decorations.

After nightfall, the captains of several other teams lurking in the Kyoto base came to the door.Because they hadn't returned to the inn for a while, they looked a little embarrassed, but there was no sign of injury.

"Okay, let's get some food first, let's have a good meal, and then let's talk about other things." Several people have successfully entered the Kyoto base, so other things will be much easier to handle, so before that, Luo Xiaran felt that a good meal was the most important thing.

And when they heard Luo Xiaran's suggestion, the captains naturally had no intention of rejecting it.Although you won't be hungry in the Kyoto base, but compared to the delicious food and drink along the way, of course it is more than a hundred times worse.

If they hadn't been trained for a long time before the end of the world, no matter how difficult the situation was, they could persevere, then such a sudden and huge change might really affect their physical and mental health and the completion of tasks.

Luo Xiaran scanned around with her mental abilities, and after confirming that no one was paying attention to them, she took out the meat-filled rice balls and pork rib soup made by the cook, and enjoyed dinner with everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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