Chapter 572 Tao Haolin

After staying at the Kyoto base for two days, watching the team members busy, Luo Xiaran gave birth to vegetables from time to time to pass the time.Although the system backpack is almost full, no one will think that there are too many supplies.

And at noon on the third day, the team members who went out finally sent back useful news about the Ministry of Political Affairs, which also solved Luo Xiaran's urgent need at this time, so that he would not continue to idle in the Kyoto base.

Because there are many members in the Ministry of Political Affairs, and not all of them are selfish, so after investigating for a period of time, the final candidate for cooperation was finally determined.

The man's name is Tao Haolin, he is 49 years old, and he has participated in politics for quite a long time. When he was young, he was suppressed for a while because of his integrity.

The reason for choosing Tao Haolin is because Tao Haolin has no supernatural powers, and his two sons and daughters are indeed powerful fire and ice elements, so no matter whether it is facing ordinary people or supernatural beings, Tao Haolin will not have any bad things idea.

The second reason is that although Tao Haolin has been suppressed for many years, he is still able to survive, which is enough to show that Tao Haolin's own IQ is not low, and even if he is suppressed, Tao Haolin still has not changed his approach.

The third point is the most important point. Tao Haolin has the easiest connections in the Ministry of Political Affairs, so if Luo Xiaran supports Tao Haolin's ascension, Tao Haolin will not be restrained by other forces in the future.

Luo Xiaran didn't want to recommend a puppet, so Tao Haolin looked left and right, and it was also the most secure and reassuring existence.And according to the news from the team members, the Ming family is eyeing Tao Haolin's son and wants to marry him, but Tao Haolin's son already has a girlfriend who has been in love for many years.

For the man that the women of the Ming family are eyeing, even if they use any means, they will be taken down, but it is only a matter of time.And Tao Haolin naturally didn't want his son to be this victim, not to mention that if he married the Ming family, then the Tao family would eventually be controlled by others.

So after some consideration, the captain of the soil department sent a message to the Tao family.Naturally, Tao Haolin didn't believe it easily, and of course he confirmed the authenticity of the news, and then it took him a few days to decide on the time and place to meet.

The meeting time was set for that night, and since it was not that easy for Tao Haolin to go out, the final meeting place was set at the place where Luo Xiaran stayed.

The outer city is mixed with fish and dragons, and the people are complicated. If they meet at night, it is not so easy for others to detect it.Moreover, Tao Haolin's home is in the outer city, so it is more convenient to do things.

That night, Luo Xiaran took off the thick disguise on her face, and after eating dinner refreshed, she sat in the living room and waited for Tao Haolin's arrival.Although everything is ready, but only when the final east wind comes, can it be considered that it can be completely relieved.

After ten o'clock in the evening, there were three short knocks and two long knocks on the door.Because it was a pre-agreed code, before Luo Xiaran could use her mental strength to check, the team members guarding the door had already opened the door.

A middle-aged man and two young men and women stood outside the door. When the three entered the living room, they naturally noticed Luo Xiaran sitting on the sofa first.And this sofa was taken out by Luo Xiaran from the system backpack...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ My sister is back, and I'm going to start preparing for the New Year~
(End of this chapter)

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